Thursday, December 31, 2009


December 31 2009

OK this was a great movie! Maybe one of the best movies I've seen this year. Liz and I tried to see this movie Monday but the show was sold out. It kinda sucked but it was crazy busy. So we bought the tickets on Monday and went down to see it Wednesday. The line was huge again but at least we had tickets this time. I think it was so busy because it was only place the movie was playing in IMAX 3D.

Anyway this movie was great and it should be seen on the big screen and in 3D. I think James Cameron has changed the way we will watch movies, his 3D was great and not really over the top but was just part of the story. The dialogue in the story was kind of corny but still go see this movie. The 3D was great.

4.5 out of 5


Reading Garry's review really reminded me that the dialogue and story was cheesy amd preachy in parts but I enjoyed the whole experience so much that all is forgiven. Normally in 3D movies I sit there and periodically fiddle with those large uncomfortable glasses that you have to wear. Fitting them over my specs is a pain. But in this case I was so enthralled in the story, the scenary and the massive feel of the whole thing that I never touched my glassed once. You don't notice the time passing or the 3D (eg: umbrella poking out at you)but, much like another of James Cameron's massive hit movies, Titanic, this just sweeps you along.

4.5/5 (5 if the preachy tone could have been avoided)

Sherlock Holmes

December 31 2009

After a long time away from the movies Liz and I decided that we would go see Sherlock Holmes. When we where in San Diego last summer Robert Downey Jr was there talking about this movie and I was excited then. Well it was good. Downey's accent was hard at the start but I did get used to it. He had great chemistry with Watson (Jude Law) and the movie was a great mixture of action and story. Sometimes when I look at Downey it is hard for me as I think of him only as Tony Stark (Iron Man) but he was really good in Sherlock Holmes

I would say if you get a chance go see this movie and have a good time.

IRON MAN 2 will be out in May 2010

3.5 out of 5


Even I had trouble with Downey's accent and fast speech in this movie. But I guess that's to be expected as the whole point is that Holmes was a genius and the rest of us couldn't possibly manage to keep up. There were some slow points in the movie and it was necessarily somewhat convoluted. But totally worth it!
3.5 / 5

Christmas 2009

December 31 2009

What a great day this was. When there is a health scare in your family you kinda realize what is important..FAMILY. Liz and I did not exchange gifts this year as we just kinda buy what we want and can afford during the year. My parents bought Liz and I some great gifts and it was a great day. After we opened the gifts with mom and dad my sister and her kids came down and we exchanged gifts with them.

After all the gifts we had a great dinner and then spent the night singing some songs (YES SINGING) and just doing fun things

All in all a great 2009 Christmas ...hope whatever you did was just as much fun.


Long Time--Jack

December 31 2009

Well we've been away for a bit and we had a health issue in the family. Jack, it seems, has a heart problem. He went to his doctor with a shortness of breath and his doctor sent him right to the hospital. He was in there for about a week and they let him out for Christmas but he will have to go back in for an operation. At least he was home for the holidays. He does have a bit of a journey before him but we trust that all will work out for him and us.

I want to thanks everyone for all the calls and prayers during this tough thanks they helped us alot.

Thanks garry

I can say that it was a super scary and stressful time with Jack being unwell. And as for trying to find a doctor at the hospital to talk too! Who knew that could be such a challange! Luckily though we him home for Christmas which a relief for everyone. Now we have a little bit of breathing room to get his complications corrected and then he'll be back in for a another short stay.

And Garry is right, everyone was so supportive whilst Jack was in hospital. It was really great of you each to take the time. You have no idea how much it was appreciated.