So I just wanted to mention undertaking that was the Kiss Cups on promotion at 7-11 stores in the US. Buy any pop and get it a FREE KISS CUP!
Firstly, with less than 24 hours until our 6A.M. flight departure time, I had to work out where the stores were located on or near our route to Buffalo airport. I also needed to phone each of these stores and ensure they had the much coveted items. I was insanely busy at work but "luckily" my other half knew I'd keep my priorities in order and get the important stuff done.
As it turns out there were only two likely stores, one on the route and near the airport, the other out of our way by 30 minutes or so but also near the airport. (I'd like to remind you that our flight was at 6am and we live approx 3 hours from Buffalo airport.)
So we pull up to the first store at some ungodly hour. Needless to say, I'm totally breathless with anticipation so you can imagine the crushing agony when we couldn't find the cups. I was desperately hoping that the cups were behind the counter. Or maybe in the safe with all the money and other super-important stuff that you don't stolen. So best thing to do is ask the guy who works there. Said guy was clearly not employed for his customer service skills as he ignored us and the other customer waiting at the cash register in favour of emptying the garbage out front. This chore was performed with the reverance and slow pace that I would associate with the coronation of a Queen of England. But then I'm not an employee of 7-11 so I have no idea how the employee hand-book requires these things to be handled. Eventually I ran out of patience and went out and asked him as politely as my "you'd better be the one willing to get in the car with my pissy spouse if you answer incorrectly" attitude would allow about the damn cups. Unfortunately the response was not what I'd hoped and caused much anguish. Garry even suggested that I should have called the stores more recently than 13 hours ago at hours and in fact that maybe I should've done it at midnight when I gotten up for this clearly godforsaken trip! You can imagine how much I loved him at that exact moment.
So with muttered recrimations and the air awash with tension we headed on to the second store. It seemed like we drove for eternity. I started to wonder if Buffalo had inbred red-necks, the movie ones who would rape me (not so good) and murder Garry (not such a bad option right now) as I was sure we'd never make it to the airport. Finally we got to the 7-11 and guess what! They had the sacred cups!! Right there, beside the soda fountain for the whole world to come and look at and for the blessed few to actually buy!! YES!
Finally we can start the vacation part of this escapade!
This was the first day and already Liz was wondering what kind of a fool is she involved with..lol
Off we go to Dragon Con