June 27, 2009
Well it was time for our garage sale or, as Liz likes to call it, operation get rid of Garry's shit. We thought we didn't have that much stuff but we decided it maybe fun. I sold a lot of dvd's on craigslist and I mean lots...way better then I thought.
Up we get at 6 am and start the set up, tables up, stuff out and then, just after 7:20, our first customer. Great! Not even set up and here comes 2 people. I hate the early people as you're not ready and they are picking through your stuff. So I leave and keep bringing stuff out. Liz's stays with the people and takes their cash. Wait did she make a sale already?? Hey where is all the stuff..is Liz giving away my stuff as I work?? NOPE. Outside for 20 mins and Liz has sold $150.00 worth of stuff..WOW, great start!
The rest of the day was steady but not as many people as last year. The time went by fast and at 1:00pm Liz and I were done. That's enough for us and to be honest in the afternoon people stop coming and stay up for 2 an hour no thanks. We gave tons of stuff away and packed up the dvds to see if I could sell some more on craigslist.
A weird thing did happen at the sale: Jack (my dad) put out tons of sign's out on the street pointing people to the sale but when he went out to the store around 9am all his sign's where gone. Just weird and kinda fucked...some people are just...well whatever.
We ended up making about $320.00 which was great and I now love people that come to our sale early as they where just about 50% of our sales.
Will we do it next year? To be honest we're running out of stuff to sell. But maybe right Liz??
WOW! Kudos to you guys! I'm still trying to find a venue for my garage sale as the county won't let me hold it on their property, bunch a GOBSHITES! Anywho.....glad you managed to get rid of some of it. Who knew garage sales could be so exciting hey!!!?