October 30 2009
The Boys in the Photograph
I was thinking of seeing this play but the cost was just too much. Then an email came saying we come see it for $31.00 on Halloween. I decided we should check it out. I love live theatre but we don't go much as it is just to expensive. We made our way down to the Royal Alex and found our seats. The play is about an Irish football team (soccer) and what happens to them. It take place in Northern Ireland during the time where there was lots of "shit" happening between the IRA and England. Now I don't know much about this and would like to know more but this play was not telling me anything I did not already know. It was a musical but you know there was just too much singing and the play was so easy to see what was going to happen. Not Great.
I am glad we didn't pay $100.00 to see this I would not have been happy. But for the $31 I was ok with it. I think older people, like my Mom, may have really liked it but for me it was a pass.
The Toxic Avenger
Now this play was going to be more our speed. It started off bad as the line up to get in was huge and then we had to stand outside for an extra 30 mins not sure why. Once we got in and found the right seats it was all forgotten. The play was EXCELLENT, lots of fun and energy. There was only 5 actors in the play but they play different roles and it worked amazingly. It was not as good as the Evil Dead play but a real close second.
I read on-line that they have some rush $15.00 seats and I think that Liz and I may go see it again during the Christmas break. If you live in Toronto go see it.
The Boys in the Photograph was boring. Very slow and almost every line was sung. I like musicals (I LOVE the TV show Glee) but every line? Even so, I could forgive the singing if it had been entertaining. It made a very dramatic time in Ireland's history seem very ponderous and the play didn't really produce the desired emotions of sadness and concern for those caught up in difficult times.
The Toxic Avenger: we were concerned beforehand as we'd heard they were blowing out seats for $15 after we'd spend $50 each on ours. Maybe it was going to be dire? Did everyone else know something we didn't? AND then we found two tickets on the ground across the street from the theatre! Just lying there! Garry was all for using them as they were free tickets (they said COMP on them) but I said I felt guilty that we might be stealing someone's seats. Imagine if they came in and said "there, those two are in our seats!". I'd die! But a couple of vodka and diet cokes and 40 minutes hanging around waiting for the theatre to open and I'd been persuded otherwise. So Garry gives the guy our tickets to scan, and scan and scan. Eventually the guy goes "that's funny, these tickets say they've been reprinted so these ones are null and void". OMG! I felt like a deer caught in the proverbial head lights. I was waiting for the sirens to go off and riot police to come charging in to arrest us. Whilst I tried to remind myself to breath Garry calmly pulled our actual tickets from his pocket and said "it's okay, I have these tickets" and then he jokes "if those don't work I have another set". He actually joked with the guy and then saunters to our seats while I'm standing there turning blue, feeling light-headed from not breathing and waiting for a hand to clamp down on my shoulder. So you've been warned folks - don't leave your jewellery around whilst Garry is visiting - he's clearly a hardened criminal. I on the otherhand will be taking full of advantage of my work benefits relating to mental health issues. I really need professional help to address the time I barely escaped being arrested.
Luckily the show was great - totally worth the $50 seats and a nervous breadown.