Sunday November 22 2009
Liz and I thought it maybe fun to go listen to Jamie Oliver talk about his food revolution. He's going around trying to get people off the fast food and on a better diet. We are trying to do this for ourselves, so it seemed like a pretty good fit. For some reason I thought that he would do a little cooking demonstration but he didn't. Liz never even thought that was a small possibility so again she is right. He casually rolled on the stage and started talking. Now one of my favorite people to see live is Kevin Smith and he is the world's best story teller so Jamie had some big shoes to fill. How did he do? Ok, not great but OK. I will say that at least he was better than Stephen King (which is not Kings fault - see post below) but still just OK. He was best when telling personal stories about his life but there where not many of those. He made Liz and I realize that we are on the right track in our eating habits and that was cool.
It was funny, they passed out all these cards for people to write questions on and in the end in the full 90 min event he did 4 questions in total, so not many audience question where answered.
Also they were a bit crazy about taking picture and the usher was having a shit fit on Liz about taking pictures but the funny thing was as they where giving her shit I had to point out all flashes going off....kinda weird. But she did snap a few and after a while she was just like FUCK IT I am taking pictures - yeah My REBEL - LOL.
So it was OK not great but OK
3 out of 5...maybe....would rather see Gordon Ramsay if I am being honest.
Well have to disagree about Gordon Ramsey first off. But again I think it had something to do with the person asking the questions. Jamie is a great entertainer given the chance so that host lady needed to be less gushing about Jamie's message and more on the entertainment. Still it was good to see him live and in a different time he might have been a tonne of fun.
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