We are going to do a short run down on all the movies we saw:
A bunch of English guys go to a small British town that is over-run with females that have turned into Zombies.I would say this was a go0d movie not great.At times it was a bit slow and the story seem to drag,but the crowd was fun and it was ok--2.5 out 5 G
Was super excited for this one but I didn't actually love it as much as I'd hoped. 2.5/5 L
Evil in The Time of Heroes
This was not for me this movie--in fact I fell asleep and then Liz and I left early,so I really can't rate this movie but what i saw it sucked.
Agree with Garry - sucked.
Is a sci-fi thriller from Switzerland. It's set in the 23rd century and the Earth is uninhabitable. Humans crowd onto space stations and try to scrape together enough money to travel to a new planet. It was made on a small budget but it didn't show. The movie was good, a bit slow but still ok. The only real sci-fi movie at the festival so with that in mind--i liked it. 3 out 5 G
I really enjoyed this one. It's a "there's someone else trapped in here and they're killing us" movie set in space. Great acting and miracles done on a budget. 4/5 L
“Violent, unrepentantly silly….loaded with wildly over the top set pieces… an explosion of cult excess…truly remarkable” - Twitch Film. So as you can see from this quote this movie is just pure silly. This ridiculous, over the top B-flick has so many WTF moments you’ll lose count, along with the number of weapons that fly out of the girls rear ends! Pure fun and rip roaring good time.Crowd was so into it. I loved it. Lots of Fun 3.5 out 5 G
You gotta watch it with a crowd to get anything out of it. So long as you follow that instruction 3.5/5 L
The Last Exorcism
Best movie I saw so far at the festival. Scary without really showing that much. At one part I actually got chills and there was nothing but what I thought may happen....great scene. The excellent director, Eli Roth although he's the producer of this movie. He's great talking, kinda like Kevin Smith, so that really added to the whole experience. I really liked the movie and so far I would say this will be a successful movie to the general public. 4 out 5 G
Disturbing movie and super creepy. There was always hints as to what was going to happen but I had no idea how it would come together. Really enjoyed it. 4/5 L
Aliens vs Ninjas
I really wanted to see this movie but I just could not stay awake. It did look like fun but it wasn't really grabbing me. On another night I may have loved this movie but this time...just didn't work. I cannot rate this movie as I did not watch it till the end and Liz and I just left early.
Clearly the universe took pity on me and made the usually inexhaustible Garry sleepy! So I got to go home rather than sit through this nonsense. Based on the 10 minutes I saw before falling asleep in my seat 0/5 L
Phobia 2
Five scary tales from Thailand, from the same talented team behind Phobia 1. I thought this may suck and I was kinda right. I would say 2 of the tales were good but at least 1 was terrible. I'm not sure Asian horror movies are for me, they all seem the same and often involve a scary half dead lady. But the last tale was fun and really made the movie fun and well worth seeing. The buzz around the cinema after was that most people loved this movie so I am thinking maybe I am just not into these movies. 2.5 out 5 G
Well Garry was insisting this would be good so he never let on to me that he was expecting anything other than great entertainment! It turns out that he was half right. The first half was dire but it got much better as it went along and the last tale was really well done. 2.5/5 L
Romans battle Celtic forces in this brutal new action film a great movie. I was expecting this to suck but it was pretty good. Lots of good kills and the blood was kinda fake looking but still very fun and lots of cheers and yells from the packed crowd. I would see this again on dvd. 4 out 5
Didn't love this one as much. 3/5 L
A disfigured young man is haunted by demons on the streets of London in this acclaimed new horror thriller. It was a SLOW movie and I was at work since 6am so there was no chance I was going to make it. What I did see looked kinda weird and artsy so really not for me. N/A
This was slow and strange and it could have gone either way but I liked it. 3/5 L
Black Death
An investigation of witchcraft is at the centre of this medieval horror tale starring Sean Bean (LORD OF THE RINGS). This was a great movie. Way better then I thought it would be. It was very epic. That's what I love about this festival is movies I would probably never see. If it ever comes near you go see it. 4 out 5
Sean Bean - 'nuff said. Although he's not at his hottest in this movie (it is about the plague after all) but he made me want to see it. Glad I did. 4/5 L
I Spit on Your Grave
Very gruesome remake of the controversial rape-revenge horror film of the same name. This was one fucked up movie and I loved it. This was the best movie of After Dark for me. Very violent and way over the top. It was gross in parts and hide your eyes in spots and if violent acts bother you stay away. I think Liz even hid her eyes in parts. After the movie I was on "the twitter" and wrote that I loved the movie and I won a cast autographed poster so that was great. Loved the movie 5 out 5 G
Definitely not for the faint of heart as this movie was brutal. I felt ill during rape scene so I looked away for a lot of it. And her revenge scenes were just too icky for me, especially the eye-balls one. But it was very well made and the acting was great. 4/5 L
A story about Robert, a killer tire with feelings! I was thinking this would be the HIT of the festival and I was looking forward to seeing it. So as we sat in our favorite seats - right side, 6 rows from the front I was pumped. But just as fast I was realizing that this movie sucks. It was horrible. Usually weird is great but in the case it sucked. A shit movie. When it was over all most everyone in line agreed it was terrible which is rare. 0 out 5 G
Absolutely dire 0/5 L
The Human Centipede - Closing Gala Film
Last film for this year. Liz was excited about this one. It was about a madder-than-mad doctor sews 2 girls, and a Japanese tourist, together – butt-to-mouth! And marchs them around the house - very fuckin weird. I was on the fence about this movie and after watching I think I was right. It was ok but after you saw them all together it's kinda over. The crowd seemed to love it but it just didn't work on me. Different but not great 2.5 out 5 G
Have to agree with Garry again. I was hyped for this movie but it was just nuts. 1.5/5 L
Well that's it for this year. I had a great time at the After Dark this year we meet a few people and talked to many and it made a real difference to the experience. Next year I'm going to take the week off and that way I can enjoy the movies more and I want to hit the bar after the movies and talk to more people and just enjoy the festival more.