Sting at Molson Amphitheatre
July 23 2010
So I found some cheap seats for Sting and I knew Liz wanted to go so I picked them up. We also picked up seats for Cindy and her husband Ray. I saw Sting last year (I think it was last year) when he came through town with the Police and I really liked it. BUTthis concert with Sting and England’s Royal Philharmonic Orchestra was in my opinion very boring. He sang about 4 songs that were up tempo but the rest were dull and boring.
I'm not sure this show was for me but Liz thought it was okay and after talking with Cindy I think she liked it but yeah it was just not my bag...
I think I will only see Sting if he ever plays with the Police but solo Sting I think I will pass..
1 out 5
I enjoyed this. There were quite a few songs that I didn't know which surprised me but I really enjoyed the ones I did know and I've never seen him live so I was still excited. That said, both Cindy and Garry both said he's much better, more lively with the Police. But as I'll never pay $200 to see anyone in concert I'll guess I'll never find out - oh well!
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