Sunday July 4 2010
Well I had a rare day off from work and I thought we would go see a movie. That movie turned out to be The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Now if I am being honest I kinda liked the other 2 movies and was looking forward to seeing the third installment. It turns out that some parts were kinda slow and lots of melodrama (all these movies are full of that bullshit) but this movie is worth seeing. I really liked the wolves and thought the fight scenes were fun and done very well.
I am looking forward to the next movie and I know alot of people read the books but I have no idea what happens till I see the next movie - Liz tells me that the next movie maybe 2 parts as it's gotta be too long to fit in one movie. Either way, I really want to see the next movie / movies but don't tell anyone I have a reputation to live up to! My favorite scene was the "tent" scene - I had a few chuckles and I did feel very gay....but who cares. If you like Twilight I'm sure you've already seen this movie but if you are on the fence I say go see it
3.5 out of 5
The less said the better - Garry took me under duress and now I have to be embarrassed because I actually liked it. It was a terrible movie with dubious acting skills and lots of over the top angst but I really did enjoy it. Oh and I'm all about team Jacob!
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