Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthday Party?

January 16 2010

Liz gets a Face Book invite to a birthday party last week and we decide to go. Now as some know, I am not one that loves parties and I feel kind of out of my area of comfort. But I love Liz and she likes to go to these things once in a blue moon so I usually put on a clean shirt and follow her. Lord knows I drag her to enough things! So Saturday night. Liz went all out bought a new dress to show off her new look and she looked very hot and sexy. The face book invite said 9pm (don't get me started on face book) so we thought we'd show up around 9:40pm have a drink and say happy birthday and then go home. We decided to take the TTC as the place is very close to the ssubway and parking down there can be a bitch. We arrive at place around 9:30pm and it looks weird, the door is blocked and very quiet. We shimmy our way in go inside and....dead. Liz asks if this is the right place and the bartender (super nice girl) says she is not sure but no one really tells them anything but she will ask the manger when the club opens at 10pm. 10pm! I tell Liz only druggies and hookers are out after 10pm, she laughs and we exit the club. Liz then gets a feeling that maybe she has the wrong place, so after a hot chocolate we find an internet cafe and she checks her face book (I hate face book, why don't people just call or text each other??). After checking the we see the party starts at 10. Now in case you have not guessed we are not out that much at 10pm unless we are seeing a live event or a movie or something but we are never at a bar. In fact I think I can count on both hands the number of times we have been we've been to a bar together. Anyways we take a long walk up Bloor and wait for the right time. At 10:30pm we go to the club. The guy working the door lets Liz know that the nice bottle of wine she bought as a birthday gift can not go into the club. After we thought about it Liz put it in the trash and walked in. Oh well, I guess it does make sense that you cannot bring a bottle in with you but we honestly never even thought about it. Next step $5.00 cover, okay not bad, $5.00 each I can handle. We walk up the huge stairway, get into the club and BANG we are the only 2 people in the club....come on people it's 10:30pm. Liz is pissed. She thinks for a second and tells me if we did not just pay $5.00 each she would love to just go home. I tell if you want to leave don't worry about the cash I think we can afford it. She looks at me and say "take me home. I'm done" we rush down the stairs get the wine out of the garbage and hit the subway. I assume all is okay but as we sit there on the subway I look over and there are tears...PANIC! PANIC...O GOD SHE IS CRYING PANIC...!
After she settles down and I offer to take her back in the car, or even rent a plane, anything to stop the tears, she tells me it was just such a fucked up night that she feels bad. I tell her to relax and that it was kinda fun. Hey maybe we're just not meant to be out late at night.

At 11.30pm we are both in bed snuggling and watching tv.
What a Saturday night lol.


PS here she is in her new dress..she does look good

Liz, note to self: don't bother leaving the house after 9pm - you have no idea what goes on in the world at such a late hour. You're better to stay home where you understand limited rules of being in jammies at 6:30pm and a crazy night consists of eating a bowl of cereal before bed.

The Lovely Bones

January 17 2010

As the princess thought today was good day for rest I decided to see the THE LOVELY BONES alone. She had a rough night last night so she needed the rest (more on that later). I had to see this movie and will see every movie that Peter Jackson makes to thank him for the Lord Of Rings trilogy. Now if anyone reading this has not seen all 3 movies I say stop reading, get the dvd's and about 9 hours of free time and watch them. Go. Now! Okau for the rest of you, this is not a LOTR type movie this is way different. The story is about a young girl that get murdered but does not go to heavenm she gets stuck in the "in between". She gets to see things that happen and watch as they look for her killer. It's not the typical movie I usually like but I have to say I loved this story. Stanley Tucci is the bad guy and he was great, I really hated him. Marky Mark was the Dad and his role was kinda small but he was okay. Saoirse Ronan as the murdered girl Susie Salmon was so good, worth seeing just for her.
The movie is a good date movie or if your girl or guy bails on you go alone but you should go see it. I really liked it. I think if some of you go see it you may hate it but go with an open mind, or just pull a Liz and stay on the couch...

4.5 out of 5


The Book of Eli

January 16 2010

At Comic Con last summer I saw preview of this movie and I knew there I was going to see it. Denzil Washington plays Eli and the story is from a graphic novel that both Liz and I have never read so it was all new to us. It is about an end of the world where people really have nothing left, kinda like the Mad Max movies from the 80's (have I ever told you I love the the 80's?). Eli is walking around carrying the book, the book of Eli, and it's the only one in the world. So, as you can imagine, everyone wants it. There are some great action parts in this movie and a fantastic scene, all done in one shot in the shadows, that is AMAZING. The story is good, the action is great, Gary Oldman does a great bad guy as usual and way different then Commissioner Gordon but he is always great. The chick from the 70's show, Mila Kunis, is in it and she's turning into a pretty good movie star. All in all if you like this kind of movie this is a most see. I really liked it

4 out of 5


A fun movie. Especially good for fans of graphic novels as it really had that kind of feel to it. The movie tried for a few twists at the end that just failed to achieve that "no way" factor. I wonder if that was a reflection of it's graphic novel background which can often look clunky when translated into a movie. Still it was a good popcorn movie and I think anyone who like action movies with a serious heart will like it.


Monday, January 11, 2010

We Are Going

January 10 2010

We have booked our trip to IRELAND and the Liz and Garry adventure will be there first part of May...WATCH out Emerald Isle we are on our way. Poor Liz! She has to listen to my stupid questions now for 4 months...oh well. I'm VERY excited.


I really have to start reading some stuff about Ireland. Garry seems to be unaware that I don't still live there and that things may well have changed since I left there at 18 years of age - I mean that was 10 whole years ago :-)


January 10 2010

Saturday afternoon what are Garry and Liz going to do? You guessed it! MOVIE TIME. We decided to see Daybreakers. I kinda wanted to see Leap Year but Daybreakers looked way better. The story is new and very interesting. Vampires rule the earth and all the humans are kept to farm for blood. The problem is the humans are all dying and the vampires need to find a blood substitute. But as with all these movies there is a rogue group of humans hell bent on keeping the human race alive. So yes this is our kind of movie. For us a different look at the old vampire tale. I liked it, not blown away but I liked it. Ethan Hawk is in this movie and he sometimes bugs me. Not sure why he always looks like he needs a shower. An actor I do like, William Dafoe, is also in this and he is good although he does have a lot of over the top cheesy lines, but I guess you kinda accept that in these films. All in all lots of action and an OK story so I liked it. Liz liked it way more so I will let her tell more. But for me it was OK.

3.5 out of 5


I love vampire moives. I have ever since seeing The Lost Boys many moons ago. But the genre has been around for a long time (Nosferatu from the silent 20s movie - creepiest looking dude EVER) and is often not well done. So a twist of the vampires being the majority and the humans hiding in the daylight was a very exciting change. And although some of the blood spattered scenes felt a bit extraneous (as they often do) there were more ups than downs to this movie. Most interesting was the panic created in the otherwise law-abiding vampires by the blood rationing. It struck me as something very similar to what we'll see as the price of oil sky rockets. That gave the movie parallels with the world we live in which, given the theme, I wasn't expecting. Well worth a look.


Up In The Air

January 10 2010

So we went to see Up In The Air during the Christmas break and it was OK. It's what I would call an adult comedy. Kinda fun but really not much happening on screen. I'm more of the action, blow-shit-up and see weird creatures kind of movie guy but with all the buzz about this movie we went anyways. George Clooney was great and this role was made for him. Sometimes I hate Clooney movies but in this one he was ok. I loved the fact that the younger lady did not have a mad love affair with him and in fact thought he was too old. That was kind of refreshing. A good adult movie, good story, good acting so it's worth seeing but you could just wait and catch it on blu ray or cable. No real reason to see it on the big screen

3 out of 5

And New Years Eve 2009 we rocked....well maybe not. Dinner at our favorite restaurant 'THE THAI PLACE" then home to watch TV and nothing else. We're boring people lol. It was great though as I was in bed before Liz (had to work the next day). I think New Years is really no big deal for us. But I still had fun doing what we did.

Happy 2010 to all....


I really enjoyed this one. I thought it was going to be one of those arty movies that I find go over my head but it was a far-better-than-average, charming movie. The actors were all excellent and if some of the plot lines were predictable I'll allow it based on the fact that not all of the plot lines were predictable and the actors did such a good job of entertaining me. Clooney is adorable as the guy who finds relationships messy but is still a sensitive guy doing an unfortuante job. And he's gorgeous! So, so gorgeous. This didn't save Michael Clayton (previous Clooney movie) from being shite but here it's a lovely story, well told and Clooney's just.....perfect (sigh).
