January 10 2010
So we went to see Up In The Air during the Christmas break and it was OK. It's what I would call an adult comedy. Kinda fun but really not much happening on screen. I'm more of the action, blow-shit-up and see weird creatures kind of movie guy but with all the buzz about this movie we went anyways. George Clooney was great and this role was made for him. Sometimes I hate Clooney movies but in this one he was ok. I loved the fact that the younger lady did not have a mad love affair with him and in fact thought he was too old. That was kind of refreshing. A good adult movie, good story, good acting so it's worth seeing but you could just wait and catch it on blu ray or cable. No real reason to see it on the big screen
3 out of 5
And New Years Eve 2009 we rocked....well maybe not. Dinner at our favorite restaurant 'THE THAI PLACE" then home to watch TV and nothing else. We're boring people lol. It was great though as I was in bed before Liz (had to work the next day). I think New Years is really no big deal for us. But I still had fun doing what we did.
Happy 2010 to all....
I really enjoyed this one. I thought it was going to be one of those arty movies that I find go over my head but it was a far-better-than-average, charming movie. The actors were all excellent and if some of the plot lines were predictable I'll allow it based on the fact that not all of the plot lines were predictable and the actors did such a good job of entertaining me. Clooney is adorable as the guy who finds relationships messy but is still a sensitive guy doing an unfortuante job. And he's gorgeous! So, so gorgeous. This didn't save Michael Clayton (previous Clooney movie) from being shite but here it's a lovely story, well told and Clooney's just.....perfect (sigh).
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