January 17 2010
As the princess thought today was good day for rest I decided to see the THE LOVELY BONES alone. She had a rough night last night so she needed the rest (more on that later). I had to see this movie and will see every movie that Peter Jackson makes to thank him for the Lord Of Rings trilogy. Now if anyone reading this has not seen all 3 movies I say stop reading, get the dvd's and about 9 hours of free time and watch them. Go. Now! Okau for the rest of you, this is not a LOTR type movie this is way different. The story is about a young girl that get murdered but does not go to heavenm she gets stuck in the "in between". She gets to see things that happen and watch as they look for her killer. It's not the typical movie I usually like but I have to say I loved this story. Stanley Tucci is the bad guy and he was great, I really hated him. Marky Mark was the Dad and his role was kinda small but he was okay. Saoirse Ronan as the murdered girl Susie Salmon was so good, worth seeing just for her.
The movie is a good date movie or if your girl or guy bails on you go alone but you should go see it. I really liked it. I think if some of you go see it you may hate it but go with an open mind, or just pull a Liz and stay on the couch...
4.5 out of 5
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