February 6 2010
I love Kevin Smith. I love his movies, books, podcasts and comics but mostly I like listening to him talk. Last year we saw Kevin alot but we never got bored. He can talk about anything and get you into it. It was roughly a year ago when he last came up to Toronto to play Roy Thomson Hall and we were ready to see what he had to say tonight. He took the stage at 8pm and talked about everything from his new movie to comics and from Ben Affleck to hockey and all the time we where laughing and listening to every word. At 11pm was done but he told us he'll be back next year. I know Liz and I will be back, 100%.
One thing I love about Kevin Smith is that Liz had no idea who he was and now she loves him and any chance we get to see him live she always wants to go. If you ask her she will talk about how she likes him and I think she would even consider herself a fan. 3 years ago she had no idea who he was.
Kevin will be back around these part in June for the Walt Gretzky street hockey tournament and yes you guessed it.....we'll be there.
We LOVE Kevin.
5 out of 5
I have to say Garry is right. I do love Kevin. He's just hysterical. I was nearly crying with laughter numerous times during this evening. He opened talking about his young daughter and her creative writing endevours. Then he talked about Avatar and how he and his wife both liked it for different reasons and spoke at length about the two of them watching it and what their reactions were. Later someone asked him how he proposed to his wife and he talked for an age about how he didn't do it right but he knew she was the one when she let him fuck her in the ass on the second date. And let me tell you he didn't leave out ANY of the details! (The guy who asked the question then had to follow all that by propsing to his girlfriend - it was super cute.) It appears that no topic is sacred to Kevin and I love that. 3 hours of listening to one guy bang on could be painful but so long as that guy is Kevin Smith then I'll sign up every time!