January 29 2010
It was sooo cold here that Liz and I thought we'd see a movie and then go home and do nothing. Anyone that knows Liz will know that there is nothing she likes better then then to do nothing. But anyway, first we thought we'd go see the new Mel Gibson movie Edge of Darkness. I like Mel and I know he said some stupid things but in my mind I can separate that from the movies. This is a good cop story and I really liked it. It was kinda like every other Mel Gibson cop story, the only difference being that he is older and not as crazy as he was in Lethal Weapon. So a good movie with a great car crash scene (well, door crash) that was excellent. The English actor Ray Winstone really steals the movie from Mel. But there is enough action and a pretty good story line that I liked it. It was nice to see an older Mel too.
This movie is based on a BBC mini series that i would like to see but have not as of yet.
I would say 3.5 out of 4
Enjoyed it. Wasn't sure I wanted to go to this one, what with Mel being anti-semetic and a something of a misogynist, but Garry was super keen so I caved. So much for principals! It was a fun movie. Kinda silly in parts but entertaining and defintely playing to Mels strength - cops with questionable sanity. Worth seeing but no need to run to the theatre.
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