February 6 2010
It was a normal Saturday so Liz and I decided to go see the movie Frozen. I'm sure a lot of people haven't even heard of this film but we're always looking for what's new in films. The story is about 3 university students that get trapped on a ski lift at night and there's no way to get down, they're stranded. A basic plot but the kind of plot we love. The movie is an Anchor Bay movie and they do a lot of B horror movies although this movie is a cut above that. The same guy that did Hatchet last year did this movie (Adam Green) and I liked Hatchet. Frozen has some plot points that you question and I found myself asking why don't they just do this or that. But after I relaxed and just watched the movie I found myself getting into it. The actors were all really good and they way they handle the frostbite was cool. There are a few twists and somethings I didn't see coming.
This movie would be great to see at Toronto After Dark, our local horror festival, but I am not sure it will find a market with the mass movie population. But if like horror or suspense movies this is a good one. I also think it will be on DVD very fast.
I liked it
4 out of 5
There was certainly some gaping holes in the plot but I'd say this movie was still well worth watching. An interesting premise (being stuck on ski lift in the middle of the night with days before the ski lifts will re-open) and excellent acting really made up for a lot. And of course, I always like to support distributors of smaller movies (go Anchor Bay!).
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