March 28 2010
Hot Tub Time Machine....looks like a movie I should love. The critics all, okay some critics, thought it was good. As for Garry, well I thought it was very disappointing. I love these movies and anyone who knows me knows I love the 80's. I especially love the music which was the best part of this movie. Again so much of the preview and commercials show the best parts and we all know that sucks. I did laugh a few times but not that much and I wanted to. I thought I would come out of this movie and tell Liz I have a new movie for my top 10...but no. The funny thing is I heard people talking after about how funny it was and how they loved it. Could it just be me? In parts I was bored which was weird. The actors for most part were okay but not great and it was just one of those okay movies. I would say a renter maybe?? See even though I didn't like it and that way you can tell me if I was right or wrong.
2 out of 5
I still love the 80's (home sweet home)
The reviews by the critics gave me hope that I wasn't a fool for going to see a movie called Hot Tub Time Machine. It served only to remind me that critics and I rarely agree on what consistutes a good movie. There was nothing here that made it worth my time and lord knows that's a very low bar. I remain relieved that the 80s are over.