Friday March 5 2010
So Blue Rodeo in Oshawa sounded like a good idea, right small town just outside of Toronto, should be fun, right? WRONG. The band was good but the drunk assholes in Oshawa where just too much. It started when the band first got on stage, this drunk soccer mom and her posse slither into their seats and start to talk and talk and talk, loud enough that I can not only hear this witch talking but can barely hear the band! So I assume she will soon stop talking but noooo. So I can't take it anymore and I shhh her. This works for about half a song and then she starts the yapping again. So Liz now knows I'm about to snap, I let her go for another 4 songs and then I ask her to please stop, in fact I say "just give me one song, please god just one song....please". So in line with my request she gives me one song and starts again. I honestly can not believe it! Can this drunk bitch just shut the fuck up! This is what happens when a drunk soccer mom only gets out once a year. What an ass-clown! Just as I am about to snap I hear Jim Cuddy (from Blue Rodeo) say "why don't you guys come down front and dance". Well I can't dance but I thought this would be a great time to hear the band and not some drunk bitch tell me about how drunk she is, who cuts her fucking hair and all of her cat's health issues. Just as we were getting into the band another drunk asshole yells "stop playing this shit and play some old school" loud enough that most of the arena hears him. The band plays on. Then in the next break between songs same fucking yahoo screams the same thing. I cannot believe it. The fucking town of Oshawa is not the town to see Blue Rodeo....unless they stop serving booze. As far as the crowd goes a complete waste of space and way to much booze. All the stereotypes of Oshawa where 100% true this night..FUCK OSHAWA (well unless kiss play there again).
Now the concert....BLUE RODEO, I really liked them. They did sing a lot of songs off the new album but I like it and it was good to see them live. They also played most of the hits and sounded great. We also had pretty good seats about 13 rows from the stage so that helps. Jim Cuddy and Greg Keelor are great to watch but I think there should have been more Greg songs but they did Diamond Mine which was excellent. all in all a pretty good show but the fuckwad crowd was a total waste of space. Love the band but FUCK Oshawa...
the band 3.5 out 5
Cannot begin to tell you how long this evening was. I didn't know Tragically Hip when I first saw them play but I had a great night. By the end of my first Blue Rodeo concert I decided that not knowing anything about this particular band is not something I need to correct. Bored to tears and surrounded by more drunk people in one space than I've seen since my university days. The yelling exchanged between one of the security guards and a guy in front of me that amounted to did you just push my girlfriend asshole was yet another reminder of those days. Oshawa may be a lovely place but I will never know that as I will never return. And if I never hear a single Blue Rodeo tune again then that would just perfect.
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