Sunday March 14 2010
Well Liz wanted to see She's Out of Your League and I wanted to Green Zone. So I looked in the paper and saw that they where both playing at Whibty AMC and with the timing we could pay for one movie, $6.00 each, and they sneak into the other so that would make each $3.00 - BARGAIN!
She's Out of Your League was okay. Not great or good but okay. There where a few good lines in it but it seemed that the lines I laughed at no one else in the cinema was laughing at which I found weird. Liz assures me it's because I laugh at the weirdest things...o well. The movie was very predicable which we knew it would be but Liz seemed to like it so I guess it was worth it. I would say wait to watch this at home or even if you miss it you're not missing much. For $3.00 it was okay.
2.5 out of 5
Green Zone looked like it would be my kind of movie. Action guns fights and everything else a man could want. But it really wasn't. They made a common mistake that a lot of action movies make, it was just kind of boring. The story was about the Iraq war and the army looking for weapons of mass destruction which we all now know were not there. The one guy played by Matt Damon begins to see that the army is looking for something that isn't there and begins to wonder why. I think maybe the reason I did not like this movie is that in the chase scenes it was hard to figure out who was who and then after a while I just didn't care. I just wanted it to end. I was very disappointed in this movie.
The ads on tv are comparing it to the Bourne movies - not even close, DO NOT FALL for that bull.
I would say 2 out of 5 skip this movie.
I had more excitement when I was sneaking from one cinema to the other without get caught. Liz is always cool I keep waiting for the usher to come in an escort us out but not yet..fingers crossed.
So the best thing about this whole movie excursion was Garry sweating like a 12 year old who's about to be busted for stealing a candy bar. He was sooo nervous it was hysterical. Every time he saw an usher he went all tense and waited for them to point an accusing finger at us. It was very cute and very funny. Can't believe this is the same guy who was totally calm while trying to get us into a musical using some tickets that we found in the street!
Green Zone - dreadfully boring.
She Out of Your League - cute and not badly done. Not changing the genre but not crucifying it either.
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