Saturday March 6 2010
Well after last night we thought we would catch a movie and Alice and Wonderland was it. Liz and I decided to go see it in IMAX 3-D. Even though it kills me to pay $17.50 a ticket we do like the IMAX 3D. But in this case it was really not worth it. (Sorry Shaunisty, I heard you loved it which makes me wonder if we really are related but that's another story lol.) This movie SUCKED. I have to say I never thought it would be any good and guess what, I was right. I think the worst part of the movie was that I was just bored to tears and thought someone should just kill the rabbit and then the story would be different but no, that never happened and this was just one big waste of time. Johnny Depp was a waste and what the fuck was that dance he did at the end. I did realize at the dance part that maybe this movie was not for me but for some of the fan-girls (and maybe boys) who where laughing and giggling like it was the funniest thing in the world - sorry did not get it. I think maybe Tim Burton is not my kind of director. I mean, I liked Edward Scissors-hands and even kinda liked his take on Batman but this was painful for me. I wish I liked it more but I just did not. In fact I liked the Wolfman better and if you read that short review you know what I thought about that! Funny thing is Alice made huge movie at the box office so I think maybe I just don't get Tim Burton anymore. Maybe I'm too old? But how can that be? I still read superman comics and drag Liz all over the world to sci-fi conventions. I think this movie just sucked.
stay away..
1 out of 5 (only because I like the fat boys in film)
I made Garry go to this as I was looking forward to it. It cost us $35 for the Imax 3D seats! In the end it was a very pretty movie but boy was it ever boring! The story didn't interest me and I didn't care a hoot for any of the characters.
0/5 (for being so expensive and failing to deliver so badly)
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