Saturday July 4-2009
Well Saturday night and it was time to re-live my youth. The 80's! I loved the music back then so this was a great night night for me. Liz, not much of a fan, thought it would be best to stay home and sit her pretty ass in front of the telly ( which is something she rules at) so I went with my friend Dave.
Opening act: Cheap Trick
They where OK but I hate when older bands try and play new music. I know they need to keep making music but do we really need a new Cheap Trick song? I love all the hits and as openers go I really liked them.
Next - Poison
To me this band should have been the headliners. I love Poison! And I think this was the 7th or 8th time I've seen them. From the first song to the last, the whole crowd, myself included, were on our feet. It was like I was back in the 80's. Ahhh, it was great to see them again. The only sad part was the band only played 60 mins and I really wanted more. Best part was they played nothing but hits for the full hour and all the people around me LOVED them. Poison in concert are fantastic and I'll be there again the next time they come to Toronto.
Next - Def Leppard
I like Def Leppard, really I do, but I was never their biggest fan. I like the hits but have never seen them play live. They where really good. Wow do they have a lot of hits and the act is very polished. One thing I hated was the band did not look like they where having fun - it was just serious business. On a Saturday night I want ALL fun. I did like them but not sure if I would see them again. Unless they play with Poison again - then I'll definitely be there!
Cheap Trick --- 6.5
Poison --- 9.3 (would have been more but the set was only 60 mins)
Def Leppard --- 7.4
All in all a great summer Saturday night (next year I bring Liz as it is always better with her beside me).
If anyone actually read this blog (other than my sister and Cindy) they'd think he actually likes me! And given that you like me, how much will you pay me to go and be tortured by Poison?
I would have totally gone to that concert with you Garry!