Saturday July 11 ,2009
(picture is my Mom ready to volunteer at the con which she does every year)
Saturday we where all up early and down for breakfast. We bought this meal plan thing from the hotel and the best meal out of the 3 was breakfast, the other 2 sucked so next year we won't bother with the meal plan.
So the day was spent going to discussion panels for Liz and myself. My Mom was working / volunteering at the photo place. The main guest this year was Micheal Hogan (Colonel Saul Tigh) from Battlestar Galactica and David Hewlet from Stargate Atlantis. I was in the main room listening to all the actors talk about the shows they're on. Liz spent most of her time listenig to people talk about what books they like. BORING :) Saturday night we all met up and went to the masquerade and constellations awards. Liz and I loved the award show which is just a run down of the best tv shows and movies in sci fi for the year, Since Liz and I watch all these shows and movies we enjoyed it. I am pretty sure my Mom was bored to tears though. Then came the masquerade which was kind of boring and not that many people entered.
After the Masquerade we where all done so we went to sleep. A pretty good day.
Their were a few good panels on Saturday but my over-riding memory is of suffering through the masquerade. I know that some people do amzing work on costumes and skits for the masquesade but it really was slow this year. I think I may skip it in the future. It's kinda like watching Saturday Night Live - very hit and miss and mostly not worth for the odd gem that's stashed in the there.
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