Wednesday July 22 2009
We left very early Wednesday morning. I think maybe too early but when you fly out of Buffalo you never know how long the drive will take and with the border crossing better early then late. We arrive at the border and for some reason I am always nervous, no idea why but I always am. Dude at the border was kinda of a jerk. He said he could not believe anyone would travel to a comic convention for 6 days! I tried to explain politely that WE do. We eventually got waved through and off to the airport. When we get there and get ready to check the bags. O shit, Liz has misplaced her passport. GREAT! We are both freaking out big time. We can't travel without it and we know she had it at the border as we had to show it to MR HAPPY. So she runs out of the terminal onto the shuttle back to the parking lot. I sit there freaking out - if she can't find it what'll we do? And she's gone for ages! Well maybe it wasn't ages but it felt like it. Finally she gets back and she has a smile on her face - she found it! So we finally check the bag and head to....The Anchor Bar, it serves wings from 5am apparently. So we both have chicken wings for breakfast and head to the plane. Nothing too exciting on the plane. We fly to San Diego (via Atlanta). About 7 hours later we arrive.
We jump into a cab and off to the hotel. We get to the hotel, well hostel really and I am prepared for the worst. Liz checks in and we head off to our room. My visions of the worst are not nearly bad enough! The room is clean but it's small, I mean really, really small. If I stand in the middle I think I could touch ALL 4 walls. And hot, it's like a damn sauna. OMG! I have a bit of a freak out and think to myself what have we done? Well we notice it is getting late so we have to head to the convention. We will worry about the room later. Liz and I rush over to convention and get our passes.
At the convention we hit the wall of people. Liz me and another 125,000 people. We LOVE IT!! Off we go into the dealers room and Liz wants a few things. She collects them and I look around and it is just overkill. So much too look at and see. We collect our stuff and head back to our cell (hotel).
When we get there we are both too sleepy to do anything about the room and just go to bed. Liz says she will take care of it tomorrow. I have to trust her.
We go to sleep - that ends Wednesday.
So when he says that he thinks "to myself what have we done", it was actually a bit more "Liz! WTF! This room is tiny, TINY and it's boiling. There isn't even a fan!WTF! REALLY! This is it!" All said in a loud very stressed voice.
My question is - Where was Liz's passport? In her pocket the whole time???