Thursday July 23 2009
We both only slept 4 hours. Not a problem for me but the princess needs more sleep (way, way more sleep). But she could not take it anymore in that room. Off she went to get us a new room. And she did! Not a great room but way bigger and definitely better. But, note to myself: hostel living for more then 1 night will not work for me. At least this room now had a fan to move the air around and I could not touch all the walls. One thing I never mentioned was that all the washrooms where shared, now before we left I thought this was not going to work but you know what, it was ok. I wake up so early that I was always the first in and in fact the washrooms where clean and we never had to wai, nor did we have any other problems with them.
After we settled in the room we made our way to the con. It was about a 15 - 20 minute walk to the con so that was ok. (One thing about San Diego is that there are alot of homeless people but I guess with the weather it makes sense.) We hit the con and get in line (which is something that we do alot at this place). We get into the exhibition hall and I pick up some free stuff and walk around the room again. To make sense of this room I would say it was bigger then a football field and it takes a least 2 days to see it all. We look around as much as we can and then head to some discussion panels in Hall H which is the bigggest room. We line up but we miss see the James Cameron Panel on Avatar - that sucks but there was tons of little chicks that wanted to see the Twilight panel and they didn't leave in case Edward might reappear and they'd miss a glimpse. We did get in later and we saw Terry Gilliam (Monty Python) and a great movie coming up called Kick Ass. Liz also liked the panel about the new Korean movie, Thirst. Not a bad day but we where both dead because of the lack of sleep and I think the 3 hour time change caught up to us.
We headed to the room and went to sleep - so ends day 2.
It was a great day. We were in line for about 2 hours to get into Hall H but it was lovely weather and it was actually nice to hang out. We nearly made it into the Avatar panel but within spitting distance of the door we were locked out! (But then Garry says I can really throw a loogie, he'd never have gotten one that far!) At least some of the panels we made it into later on made up for it. The guy who made the Old Boy trilogy (which I LOVED) has a new movie, Thirst - very exciting news! We didn't make it back to the hotel until midnight - we were wrecked!
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