Saturday July 25 2009
So with all the talk about our room (or cell) I've included a pic is of it. It may not look that bad but the picture is of the full room. I think the weird thing is the TV was maybe 15" which, with our 60" TV at home, was a shock.
Ok so day 4. Jump out of bed early as always and run down to Ralph's (grocery store) to pick up supplies for the day. Pop and stuff as we both knew that we would be the same room all day. We stood in line for about 2 hours and Liz spent alot of time being a line social butterfly and that always makes the time go by very fast. Plus it's great to hear from others in line why they are at Comic Con and what geeky stuff they are into. Although for Liz and me I always talk about the geeky stuff and she talks about real life stuff so it's a good balance.
When we get in the hall we get the same seats we always get and get ready for the first panel
1- Lost: we both love this show and the panel was alot of fun. I would say Hurley showing up was great for me and all the people on the stage where having fun. If you watch Lost I have to ask is Charlie alive?? He came on the stage and on his his hand was written "I'm still alive" WTF??
2- Solmon Kane: which looks good to me but not sure if it will be a hit. It's kinda looks like Conan. I guess we'll see.
3- Extract: this is a Mike Judge movie (Office Space) and it looks fun. Not sure why a comedy is at this con but Liz and I will be going to see this - I know, shocking.
4- Zombieland: now this is our kinda of movie. Zombies rule, we LOVE them! This movie will be great if the preview is anything to go by. Woody Harrelson (from Cheers) was on this panel and yes, you guessed it, we will see this on it's opening weekend.
5- This was my main Panel of the day IRON MAN 2: I love the first Iron Man and it may have been my best movie of last year. This panel was the highlight of the day. Robert Downey was on this panel and that guy has that star quality, it's hard to explain but he is a superstar. I remember someone saying a true star is a guy that can make the ladies want him and the guy want to hang out with him - Robert Downey is that guy. Jon Favreau was also on the stage and most of the other cast members and it was alot of fun. I think this movie will once again be great and the preview was EXCELLENT. Iron Man may be be my favorite super hero (well besides Batman and Superman) This panel was alot of fun and maybe the best panel of the convention IRON MAN ROCKS! (ok enough I must move on)
6- Kevin Smith talk: he is a favorite of Liz and myself and his talks are great. A great Q AND A and Kevin was alot of fun. We love Kevin and I would say this year alone I have seen him maybe 8 times. If you get a chance to see Kevin live you should go. His talks are great and I know even if you ask Liz she will tell the same. I have made her into a big time Kevin Smith fan.
That's the end of our day in Hall H and guess what, Iron Man Rules!
In the evening we watched the Masquerade. It was fun with some great costumes although to be honest we are not into masquerades but this one was alot of fun. After this we went to dance and danced up a storm.....well not exactly, Liz danced for one song I watched and then we realized it was bedtime.
So ends day 4 - my favorite day so far.