August 21 2009
Well final night of the After Dark Film Festival. Last night we didn't go - we were just too tired. I think it was a good decision but we did miss a couple of movies, oh well.
Tonight we went and saw the movie Grace which was showing for the Closing of the Film Festival. Here is what it says on the web site: "A mother’s instinct to protect her newborn child at all costs is pushed to shocking levels in Grace". Sounds fun right? Well guess what, it was actually kind of boring. It was slow and the baby zombie thing just boring. I am pretty sure Liz slept through a bit of this. For a closing movie I thought it would have been better.
2 out of 5
Over all I think the festival was fun. I think the movies last year where better but to be honest I can't really remember. Next year we will be back at Toronto After Dark, like that's a big shock - lol
Can't say much that's positive about this movie. It was by a first time film make so I guess that from that point of view the movie had a more polished look than you might expect but the story was less polished. The premise of the movie appealed to me - a Mother wills her dead new-born back to life but the baby isn't really alive and what will the she do to feed her undead baby. And as it was the closing movie I had high hopes for it. But it failed to be as creepy as it should have been and instead was slow and predictable. The director made a movie that he should be proud of and anywhere else in the line-up it might have made sense (not that I'd have liked it any more than I did) but not nearly good enough for a closing movie at After Dark.
It was a good festival. Am sorry that we didn't make it to anything from the Thursday night line-up but that was the night of the really bad storm in Toronto, apparently they lost power a bumch of times and there was no AC, so maybe it was for the best. Saw some great movies and saw some crap and really that's what it's all about.
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