Monday, August 17, 2009

Shorts after Dark and Lunch with Cindy

August 16 2009

After getting in late last night we napped a little and then got ready to leave for day 3 of the After Dark Film Festival.

Before we left the guy who is going to be doing some renovations on our bathroom showed up to show us some tile samples and mostly to pick up the deposit. Liz walked the guy through what we wanted and she looked at the samples. It's kind of exciting to get the new washroom but I have to say every time we turn around it seems to be costing us a little bit more. I now can officially say that for this project we are tapped out...but my gut tells me there are still some hidden cost to come. Lets see how it goes.

After meeting with Carly (constriction guy) we bolted to have lunch with Cindy. We made it to the restaurant about 15 minutes late, but Cindy was in a good mood as usual. After a good but quick lunch Liz and I said goodbye to Cindy and started our long day of movies.

First was Shorts After Dark.

What this is are short movies that the programmers think the audience may like or as I say stuff the programmers like but I think is crap. To me this was the HORRIBLE. Total waste of time and we should have just hung out with Cindy longer. I was so bored. I could hear people in the audience snoring. Which is rare as it's usually me snoring and annoying those around us. I'm not going to say anything else about these movies as, to be honest, I really can't remember them. Total waste of time.

0 out of 5


They weren't THAT bad. And in fact there was a few good ones in the 10 shorts that we saw. My favourite was about an imaginary friend lecturing a group of other imaginary friends on how to keep their "jobs". As kids get older they get rid of their imaginary friends and with ipods and gaming systems it's tough to get a new gig once you're unemployed lol. And another one was called (roughly) Horribly Slow Murder with Very Inefficient Weapon about a guy being very gradually beaten to death by some dude stalking him all over the owrld and hitting him with a spoon. Trust me, it really was funny! There was some stuff in there that I really didn't enjoy but there was stuff I liked too!

3/5 (Have to go back to the scoring thing - apparently it's essential to the reviewing porcess. So here ya go Garry - I'm doing it!)

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