August 16 2009
The next movie was The Warlords. Now this movie is why I go to this festival. It's a movie I've never heard of and was great surprise. It's an Asian film with English subtitles. But to be honest the best scenes are the fighting scenes where there is little or no dialogue. Jet Li is in this movie and he was excellent. The story in a nut shell is 3 blood brothers who battle all over Asia and win everything with some major struggles. At the end they get too powerful and start to fight with one another.
Best Jet Li movie I've ever seen. Some of the best fight scene I've ever seen. The crowd was into this one and that made a huge difference too.
In case you can't tell: I loved this film
4 out of 5
I enjoyed this too but for different reasons to Garry. It's based on true events in China in the 19th century and this makes the epic nature of the movie very interesting and emotive. I imagine that if you were Chinese this movie covers a time in history that you'd be familiar with and that would make it all the more moving. Jet Li and Andy Lau were fabulous. And it doesn't hurt that Jet Li is also so easy on the eye. Apparently the moive has been In any case this was a tale very well told.
And a little factoid about he movie: it's actually been out for 2 years but due to some serious disagreements between the producer and director it hasn't received an international release until now. At least it was worth the wait!
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