August 18 2009
After Dark Film Festival day 5. This movie was excellent and the funny thing is Liz and where going to skip today all together so we could get ready for the renovations. I am sure glad we change our minds.
The premise of the movie is kids going bad. Simple enough but wow was it done well. Not much gore or blood but enough and the music was very good. In fact the music really helped with mood in the Bloor. I have to say maybe the best movie of this kind at the Festival and a movie for ANYONE reading this blog to see. It maybe hard to find but if you get a chance, see it. The kids in the movie are excellent. Just a great night at the movies. I will let Liz talk more about what the movie was about as I think this is her favorite movie at After Dark so far. This is the kind of movie we go to this festival for !
I would say 4.5 out of 5
3 more days and 3 more movies for me and 4 movies for Liz
The house should be a mess today as they start work on the bathroom so in about 2 weeks we should have a great new bathroom....fingers crossed.
LOVED it! I always love when the directors send a note for the audience. In this instance the director said that this movie is dedicated to all the people that are stuck with the screaming kids of their friends who make lame excuses for their kids' shitty behaviour by saying "poor Sammy is over-excited/tired" etc whilst you try to recover from your hangover lol. The kids gave amazing performances and really creeped me out. You never knew if they were going to hug their parent or hug them and stab them in the eye with a colouring pencil. The adults were diverse characters which gave a well rounded feel rather than being too flat and simplistic. This was an usual movie for this festival as it was quite subtle. As an example, the movie that's following this one tonight (called Someone's Knocking at the Door) was promoted by the festival director as having a chase scene involving a 15" penis. So this was a refreshing change from that.
Really this would be at home in any Cineplex theatre - I hope it finds a really wide release as any movie fans will enjoy it. Word of warning though: whilst there is very little gore there are a few things that will turn any weak stomachs out there so some may want to approach with caution.
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