Get Him To The Greek
June 21 2010
After I saw Jonah Hex and Liz saw Toy Story 3 (yes we went to different movies) we met and snuck into the movie Get Him To The Greek. This was a great movie. The surprise thing was it was funny but also kinda serious and the story was good. Puffy Daddy or whatever he's called was really good. There was one scene where myself and another guy in the theatre were on the floor laughing. To be fair there was only 5 people in the whole theatre for this movie but it was good.
I kinda like Russell Brand, he's always funny and I love the drunk English character he always plays. I suppose it was like the second part of the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshal but there is no need to see that movie to enjoy this one.
I think if you are in the mood to see a funny movie with a good story this is a good one.
3.5 out of 5
Hey Liz wheres your rating? And wheres the Toy story 3 write up? We wanna take the kids they are Toy Story CRAZY!! Was it good?