Saturday June 5 2010
So last year was our first time going to Brantford for the Walter Gretzky street hockey tournament. Last year we had a great time and this year was just as good. We got to Brantford later this year than last (still too early for Liz) but a good time to arrive for me. Brantford is about 90 minutes away from where we live so the drive was not too long. In fact we were early so we took some back roads to the event - it was too early for fruit and vegs market but it was still a nice ride.
We watched Kevin's team PUCK U play and it was great watching him dive for the ball and seeing all the guys running around the rink. After the game we went and had some dinner at Boston Pizza (wasn't that great). I am starting to hate those fast food kinda of places or maybe it's just the pizza I don't like...but that's another post.
After dinner we got in line to watch Kevin and Scott do a Smod Cast which is just the two of them talking. I know that sounds boring but we love it. (I've said this before but it's great to listen Kevin talk about anything.) Opening the show was another podcast called Telling Steve Dave which was great also.
All in all a great day watching some hockey and then Kevin Smith live.
O yeah when we where in line we had these losers behind us bitching about how they cannot pay the rent and how they lost their house and we started to feel sorry for them. The funny part was later they told us how they just paid "big bucks" for Roger Waters tickets and how great the concert was going to be. And I can tell you first hand that those tickets are expensive beacuse I bought a ticket for 2 of the 3 shows. I had to laugh. If you get a chance ask Liz about it as it was kinda funny.
So it was a fun day. BUT Garry likes to get there insanely early and not leave until everything is over, just in case we might miss something. I would happily miss a bunch of stuff and just check it out for a few hours. As it was we got to Brantford for 1pm and didn't get home until 1am. It was fun but not THAT much fun lol. But the people behind us in line were hysterical and may have made the whole trip for me. They were stood behind us for two hours and NEVER stopped talking the whole time. The woman had verbal diarrhea and no filter. She talked about losing their house, how nice their welfare housing is, smoking weed, how hard it is to keep a job when you sleep in your first day, her kid, how they're trying for another one - all without breathing. It was impressive, disturbing and annoying all at the same time.
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