Ireland Part 2
I like Guinness. Although if I'm being honest I should say that I love Guinness. I had my first Guiness on my first day in Ireland (but not my first hour lol). I thought I have to try one but during the evening that one turned into eight and I never looked back. I believe I drank more Gunniess in the 2 weeks in Ireland than I have in all my previous years put together.
Some of the guys I was drinking with told me the Guinnes tates different all over the world and in fact they said all over Ireland. I thought bullshit but you know they're right. In fact I had my best Guinness at one of the older pubs in Dublin city centre (Keogh's). So I now tell everyone that there is a difference where you buy it. I thought Guiness would be heavy but it really wasn't it tasted great and it really reminds of Ireland.
So I would like to say I LOVE GUINNESS...
The boy drank soooo much Guinness! I was totally stunned watching him pack away the pints. Then he started banging on about how the Guinness in A was much better than in B - I was sure he was talking shite and just pretending he could taste a difference (you couldn't pay me to drink the stuff). After a few discussions with the local ol' fella propping up the bar at verious establishments it seems that he wasn't making it up and he even got ideas of where else to visit for a good pint. And of course our tour of the Guinness brewery was fun. It's very interactive and they even teach you how to pull your own proper pint - there's a lot more to it than you'd think. But in the end it wasn't the Guinness that did Garry in, it was the Bacardi chasers back at the house afterwards. Let me just say.....Garry is a very annoying drunk. I think it's because he doesn't get drunk....well.....ever so he hasn't learned any being-drunk-manners. As a result he thinks he's funny and thinks he's being helpful and thinks he's quiet. However playing air guitar whilst sitting on the bed at 4am is none of those things. Insisting that HE could get the glass of water from downstairs also none of those things. And if he could have been just a little bit hung over the next day I think I could be a little more forgiving. But no, the bugger bounces out of bed at 6am as though he's slept like baby for 8 hours. Needless to say he wasn't popular with me that morning. 'Nuff said.
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