Well Liz and I have been back from Ireland for a few weeks but as you can see no updates. We have decided that a day by day thing would be to hard so I am going to write about different events as I remember them and they will not be in any order..so here goes
Ireland Post 1
Flights to and from: our flight to Ireland was at 11:30pm which is waaaay past my bed-time and the first time I've had an overnight flight. When we found our seats we saw that there where like 6 babies on the flight, all seated near us and we thought it was going to be a problem. But about 30 minutes in all the kids were sleeping. About 50 minutes in Liz and I passed out and there we where in and out of our dreams for most of the flight. In fact we slept right through the food, now I know plane food sucks but it was free. And if you know me you know I love free. But it wasn't meant to be.
When we landed in Ireland and went to pick up the luggage I was seeing all these sign's in English and something else. I couldn't figure out what it was so I asked Liz and she told me it was Irish. Well I just about lost it, aged 42 and I had no idea that Irish was a language! I know, I know! This makes me sound really dumb but honestly I has no idea. Yes I know other countries have there own language but I have never heard anyone speak or even talk ABOUT the Irish language....and I felt
very dumb. In the weeks to come Liz would tell this story and every time I felt really stupid but no word of a lie, I had no idea.
Liz's Dad was there to get us and off we went driving to his house....driving that's another post.
So there were a few great quotes from Garry and this one is my second favourite:
"It's in Irish?! Haha! Even I know there's no such thing. So for real, what language is the sign in really?"
I actually had to convince that there's an Irish language and that's what all the signs in the airport were in.
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