Saturday September 12
Today Liz and I went to see the movie 9. Now we have heard people talk about this movie at all the conventions we've been to all year long, so we where pumped. I thought the movie sucked. Maybe I'd seen too much of the movie at all the conventions? But I just didn't care about anyone in the movie. The best part I gues was that it was very short. I think Liz liked it more but I could not really tell as I was in a slumber during parts of movie, so boring. Maybe I was not not into as in the morning I been up early without that much food or drink for my physical check at the doctor's but if you miss this movie you are not missing much.
I would say 1 out of 5
I did like it more than Garry but I have to agree that I didn't care for any of the characters. That was a bit strange as I was already in love with 9 (main character) from all the clips that we'd seen - he looks adorable, like a little sack cloth teddy with a zipper up the front, so I was expecting to be a little invested in the his adventures. And I'd already guessed how their creater had invested them with life and had made up a reason as to why he did it. It turned out that I was right on how but wrong and disappointed in the why. So maybe Garry was right - we'd seen too much already. Despite all that it really is a spectacle - beautifully scenes and with great detail and clarity. Totally worth seeing just for that - and I think if your expectations weren't as crazy high as ours you'd probably really like it. It's dark though - not for kids.
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