Saturday September 26 2009
After a busy week at work I did not feel like working any overtime so Liz and I decided to go see a few movies. First up was Bruce Willis in Surrogates. It was an ok movie but I think the graphic novel may be better but I haven't read it. Anyway the movie was about people that live their life on-line and the person that goes out into the real world is a surrogate/computer. Now as would be the case all the surrogates are prefect and they can do or be anyone they want.Sounds like a great concept, right? Well it is but the movie kinda falls flat and the story is a bit convoluted.
I do love Bruce Wills movies but this one falls a bit short. I did not hate it but it was not great.
I would say 3 out of 5
I liked it. Good story with a few flaws but fun.
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