Monday September 14 2009
Last night Liz and I finally went and saw Final Destination 4 in 3D and the movie worked. If it wasn't in 3D it would've sucked but the best thing about this movie was the 3D - it was excellent. I was really shocked how much fun I had. The best scene was actually the opening race scene it was great. Cars flying all over the place and even a few cool death scenes lol.
It was gory and silly so if you're not into this kind of stuff stay away but if you like to have fun and can just relax when you see a movie, GO! But only see it in 3D.
I think a funny thing they did was have a lot of big breasted ladies in the movie and I have to stay that did not hurt the seeing them in 3D. If you go look in the background and almost ever scene you will see what I am talking about.
Well I would say only in 3D the movie gets
3.5 out of 5
The 3D in this movie was well done and it really took it from a waste of time to a fun waste of time. I really enjoyed it. Have to say though that I don't remember noticing as many sets of boobs as Garry does. Strange! :-P
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