Saturday September 19 2009
After working all day Saturday Liz and I decided to go see the movie Jennifer's Body. It was a horror movie that stars Megan Fox. Now we were going to see this movie at Tiff Midnight Madness but thought maybe we should wait. 1. Tiff movies are $20.00 and 2. the Midnight Madness show are at midnight (funny how that works).
Anyway the movie was good. Lots of fun and actually a good story which I was not surprised about once I read that Diablo Cody wrote it (she wrote the script for Juno). There was not blood or gore but it was still good.
Megan Fox was ok but I think just about any hot girl could have played the part. In fact I maybe getting a little sick of her..not sure why.
So I would say .. 3.5 out of 5
Go see it.
This was a fun movie which was well done. Not a serious movie but a good story that depicted teenagers (and teenage sex) in a more realistic way than the Hollywood norm. Megan Fox was decent but I guess saying she's not Glenn Close or Meryl Streep is hardly an insult (and only serves to give away my age). And it's always nice to have a victim who fights back and has a little attitude in the face of evil demons.
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