Monday September 7,2009
Last day of the con and I think both Liz and I had a better time this year then last. But the last day of any convention is never great, things always feel like they're winding down. I went and saw a panel about Stargate. Then Liz and I walked around the 3 dealers rooms but we really didn't buy much. I think we bought a t-shirt and graphic novel, all for maybe $50 total. After that we went to airport and flew home. The flight from Atlanta to Buffalo is fast, like 1.5 hours so that was good. We landed in Buffalo and began our drive to Toronto. Now one thing we forgot was that this was Labour Day weekend and the traffic was nuts. At one bridge it was over 2 hours. But we headed to the downtown Buffalo bridge and that was great move as it only took 20 mins. The drive home was long but all and all a great weekend
I know we will back next year for sure.
I actually thought the final day was nice. We had an opportunity to wander around, eat the final meal at the place you love (Chick Filet for Garry, Mexican place for me) and if any of the things you were thinking of buying are still there it's a sign from the Gods that you were meant to get it - so I picked up the graphic novel Y for $27. It's set in a world where everything with a Y chromosome has died with 2 exceptions - the only males are one guy and one monkey - now do women remake the world as it was or they recreate a better world? Do they find a way to create babies without men or do they die out? Anyways it was a good thing that we bought next year's con tickets yesterday (as the line today was pretty crazy). But the last day does always have a sad feeling coz we all know we're heading back to work and the fun is over for another year. But head home we do. We argue in the car leaving Buffalo airport about how to get to a bridge that isn't the Queenston-Lewiston bridge which is bound to be swamped. As we can't resolve the issue we head to the Q-L anyways. Luckily Garry's eagle-eyes spot the line up waaaay before the bridge and we scream across the three lanes to make the final turn off the highway and reroute to the Peace Bridge. Good decision! We made it home at a reasonable hour, 9:15pm and we tucked up in bed shortly afterwards.
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