Friday April 9 and Saturday April 10 2010
Ad Astra Friday
Ad Astra is a small local convention in Toronto that we have gone to for the last couple of years.It is mostly a book convention but they have started to change that around a bit and get some actors and more media type events.I picked up Liz at the subway and after we went and had a great Pizza we headed to the con.We went to our first panel which was on AVATAR which was fun mostly because there was only about 6 people in the room and we could all talk about movies we liked.After that we went to panel call Your next Top Model Zombie.This was the high lite of the con last year,but with only 4 Zombies and a poor MC it was disappointing but still fun.After that it was our last panel about British sci-fi which sucked and seeing that it was nearly midnight it was time to get our asses home as it was WAY pat our bedtime.Not a bad day but not great.The best part of the night I think was the Pizza--lol
Ad Astra Saturday
Saturday at nay con is always the best day.I was a little surprised how many people where at the con way more then I thought,which I guess is a good sign for the organizers.Off we went me to a panel on Star wars (shocking I know) and Liz to see something about books or whatever I mean who cares I was at a star wars panel,why she would not just come with me is well ...hard for me to believe.My Star Wars panel kinda sucked as it was early and they really did not tell me anything I have never heard or read before.After that we meet up and told me about her panel which I pretended to listen to and we headed off to listen to one of my favorites authors read Robert J Sawyer.Both Liz and have heard Rob read lots of time and he is great at doing readings and this was no exception.After that we walked around check out the art show and the dealers room which both per sub par.They Rob had a guess of honor talk,which was talking about the tv series flash forward which is based on his book and Liz and I both like it so that talk was very informative.Then lunch,cold gross hot dog for me and some ind of smelly sandwich for Liz.
The afternoon had a huge problem no panels or talks for us to go to.So went to the con-suite and talked to a few people had a drink and just killed time.Con-suites are kinda fun at these events as you usually get some free food and a drinks and this one was the same and it was kinda clean,which is nice for change.After sitting around we went to panel where some guy talked for a hour about something Liz slept and I listen to this old man go on and on,the only reason we went was it was Liz's choice-great she slept and i listen,o well.Then a shit Dr who panel where they almost told us about the new Dr who which would have made me mad as I have not seen it yet.After that we went to watch a few guys do Nerdgasism which is guy doing joke about Nerdy subject which was great for both Liz and I and we had some great laughs,great way to end the evening.
I would Ad Astra 2010 was ok not great but ok.We always seem to have fun at these things and they are hit or miss but after writing this and thinking about I think we will be back next year.But really who am I kidding if the QUEEN (aka Liz) wants to go back we will back,and I think she likes the book part of this con.
At least 4 more cons this year to go..I can't wait.
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