April 3 2010
Clash of the Titans
After all that working out we thought we would head into the city today and do some shopping and see a couple of movies. After getting downtown in record time on TTC we went to see Clash. Now I remember seeing the original movie and thinking it was ok, not great but ok. And after seeing the remake I think the same thing. It was a fun popcorn flick but sometimes it was kinda boring. Sam Worthington was good as Perseus but Liam Neeson as Zeus was kind of a waste of his talents. All the characters in the movie were just okay and I have to say that I need a better main character to get behind. Sam was good but there was something missing. I am just not sure what but something was missing. It also seemed VERY long. That being said you should see it if you like popcorn flicks, just but don't expect too much.
3 out of 5 (maybe less but I did like Sam Worthington - I just hope he finds a better movie soon)
After the movie Liz bought her new camera, a Sony Cybershot or something. We wanted a small camera so we could post more personal pics on our blog..so more pics of Liz will be coming soon.
After shopping and sitting in Yorkville watching the ridiculous posers in their cars driving by we went and saw Mother. This is a South Korean movie and has subtitles so going in I was thinking 2 hour nap. Then we get to the cinema and it is very hot in there. That to me means sleep is unavoidable. It starts and I am into this movie big time! What a story. This could be one of the best movies I have seen this year. It's about a mother who has to prove her son did not murder a young school girl. The story is so good. I laughed and never saw half the plot twists coming. A great film. If you have a chance you should see this movie.
4.5 out of 5 (would be 5 out of 5 but it had subtitles)
Once we left the movie we walked down Bloor, did some more shopping and walking and then Liz had her chicken wing dinner she has wanted for weeks. Then we hopped on the subway and headed home.
Another fun filled day!
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