Sunday April 18 2010
Kick Ass this movie has been on our radar since last summer at Comic Con. We saw the preview clips there and we knew this was going to be a great movie for us. At Comic Con we saw like 5 clips and they looked great. BUT the problem was with seeing those clips and a few more we saw on line we have seen a good chunk of this movie already but of course you don't know that until after you've parted with your money. The movie is about a regular nerdy guy who decides to become a superhero. He really just gets his ass kicked a lot but there is a little girl called Hit Girl that really is a superhero with her Dad, Big Daddy (Nic Cage) so the two join forces to fight crime. The movie is very good and Hit Girl is fucking amazing. It's worth seeing the movie just to listen to her talk or should I say swear.
The fight scenes are good and you can see a lot of Toronto in the movie. I guess the real problem is I was hoping for more but I think that is only because I had already seen so much going in.
If you like these kind of movies go see it. I am planning on seeing it again and I think I may like it better the second time, BUT I did like it this time just not as much as i thought I would.
3.5 out of 5 for the first viewing.
Totally a more serious movie than I was expecting. The previews made it just seem like it was fun but it had some great themes such as our responsibilities as members of society and how modern technology has distanced us from each other. The lighter moments balanced the serious themes well and the characters were engaging. I did feel like I'd seen some of the best scenes in the movie a dozen times already which was a pity. I think I'd have loved this movie if the marketing hadn't spoiled so much of it. As it was I enjoyed and thought it was well worth watching. If you're one of the people who think that an 11 year old girl taking out a room full of hard core drug dealers / scum of the earth types is worth a look than you're sure to enjoy this.
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