Saturday April 24 2010
Saturday afternoon after spending what seem like days looking for black shoes for the Princess we decided to go see The Losers. We went to see it at Fairview Mall which is the first time we've seen a movie there since they renovated it years ago. It did seem like a pretty good place to see a movie. As for the movie, let me just say I loved this movie. Saturday afternoon popcorn flick at its best. One of the best movies I have seen in a while, I really liked it. The story really reminds me of the A-TEAM and I love the A-team, so that's OK. In a nut shell guys working undercover for the government get screwed and then they have to hunt down the villain. Like I said not rocket science but a great ride. The chemistry between all the guys is excellent but Chris Evans as Jensen stole the show, he was very funny. It was worth the price of admission to hear his jokes but I will say most parts I was laughing at no-one else in the theater was laughing - strange I know but this does happen a lot to me so I am used to it. Also Zoe Saldana (of Star Trek & Avatar) was in the movie and she is HOT so that helps.
All in all a great Saturday afternoon at the movies and a great movie, something tells Liz doesn't share my thoughts on this movie..
4 out 5
BORING! One or two scenes worth noting but otherwise just nonsense. The character of Jensen was really fun, him I liked. Any of the decent parts centred around him. The rest of it was less entertaining and more silly.
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