Saturday April 17 2010
With our trip to Ireland 2 weeks away Liz and myself thought we would head down to the British Isles Show. We really had no idea what this show was but we thought what the heck. After reading about it on line we saw that two stars from Coronation Street would be there so we were both interested to see them. The two stars where Sean Tully played by Anthony Cotton and Becky Grange played by Katherine Kelly - good news for us as they're both characters that we like. When we arrive at the show just after 10am we saw a line. With all the shows we have been to over the years we've learned that if there's a line one person stays in the line and the other goes to the front of the line and figures out what it's for. Otherwise you risk missing out on something. In this case it turns out that the line was for a wrist band to meet the stars of Cory (Coronation Street). We were so thrilled to happen on the line but it was only after we got our band that we realized that this event was at 5pm, it was now 10:30am. Wow! We have a LOT of time to kill and the show isn't that big. We started walking around looking at all the stuff they had for sale. Chocolates and other food from the UK seemed to be the big thing. We tried to talk to some of the people offering tours to Ireland but since we did not want to book a tour with them they really had no time for us. After walking around we ran into a friend of ours Doug and had lunch with him. O yeah, I had to stand in line for fish and chips for the princess, and no word of a lie, I was in line for 45 mins. Needless to say, the fish and chip weren't even that good. After walking around again and watching a few stage shows with pipers and dancers it was our time to get in the Cory line. Luckily it moved very fast and before we knew it both Liz and I were sitting beside Sean and Becky from Cory. Both stars where very nice and talkative and really made us feel relaxed. Becky (Katherine Kelly) was very nice asking us how we meet and why we liked the show and she was way better looking in person and a lot smarter than Becky she plays on the show.
It was a long day but we had fun and it was great meeting people from Coronation Street. We have a great picture of us with them but no digital copy - you will have to ask Liz if you want to see....unless she's already lost it (bad habit she has).
I think it's safe to say that we'll be making the British Isles Show part of our yearly tour of things we do.
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