Monday, January 11, 2010


January 10 2010

Saturday afternoon what are Garry and Liz going to do? You guessed it! MOVIE TIME. We decided to see Daybreakers. I kinda wanted to see Leap Year but Daybreakers looked way better. The story is new and very interesting. Vampires rule the earth and all the humans are kept to farm for blood. The problem is the humans are all dying and the vampires need to find a blood substitute. But as with all these movies there is a rogue group of humans hell bent on keeping the human race alive. So yes this is our kind of movie. For us a different look at the old vampire tale. I liked it, not blown away but I liked it. Ethan Hawk is in this movie and he sometimes bugs me. Not sure why he always looks like he needs a shower. An actor I do like, William Dafoe, is also in this and he is good although he does have a lot of over the top cheesy lines, but I guess you kinda accept that in these films. All in all lots of action and an OK story so I liked it. Liz liked it way more so I will let her tell more. But for me it was OK.

3.5 out of 5


I love vampire moives. I have ever since seeing The Lost Boys many moons ago. But the genre has been around for a long time (Nosferatu from the silent 20s movie - creepiest looking dude EVER) and is often not well done. So a twist of the vampires being the majority and the humans hiding in the daylight was a very exciting change. And although some of the blood spattered scenes felt a bit extraneous (as they often do) there were more ups than downs to this movie. Most interesting was the panic created in the otherwise law-abiding vampires by the blood rationing. It struck me as something very similar to what we'll see as the price of oil sky rockets. That gave the movie parallels with the world we live in which, given the theme, I wasn't expecting. Well worth a look.


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