Sunday, July 25, 2010


July 25 2010

SALT with Angelina Jolie

After we saw Inception Liz and I snuck in to to see Salt. This was a good movie and I liked it waaay more then Inception. It was a fun, action packed movie. Angelina Jolie, I love her in action movies when she really looks as though she gets into the role. And of course, she's always super sexy.

Good fun action film with a few twists that I didn't see coming.

4 out of 5

This was an enjoyable popcorn movie. If you're looking for something fun this is it. As for what happened in it - well it's so ridiculous that there's no point writing about it but it works on the screen and that's all that matters. I'm suprised that I didn't like the Angelina Jolie character more, I'm not sure why that was the case but it didn't stop me from enjoying the movie!


July 25 2009


Okay, lots of buzz about this movie but it's very confusing and I was kinda lost for much of it. It was done well but even so there were some great effects I didn't like. I can't even tell you the details of what the story was about - that's how confused I was! And if I tell you anything else it would just spoil it.

I will say skip this movie but to be honest I seem to be one of the only people on line that feels that way.

1.5 out of 5


Well I didn't dislike it as much as Garry but I will say that it went from being too slow to having too much going on resulting in the confusion that Garry mentioned. Maybe I'm not clever enough to get this movie but I was certainly glad when it was finally over. It's a pity coz I think I might have liked some of the movie if I hadn't been so busy trying to work out what the hell was going on all the time.


Star Wars In Concert July 24 2010

Saturday July 24 2010

Star Wars In Concert At Copps Coliseum

Last year Liz and I went to see Star Wars in concert and I LOVED IT !!
So when they announced that they're going to return to the area I thought I would go again. Liz deceided to skip this one but she did come with me for the drive to Hamilton.

The show was great but the real problem was the crowd was very small, I mean really small and they really were not into it. Not like when I saw it in Toronto, people were so excited.

I still thought it was fun and I really liked it but not as good as Toronto.

3.5 out of 5

I did buy some great Star Wars "swag" and it was still worth the drive to Hamilton.


Well I hung out in Jackson Square in Hamilton which has a lovley farmers market, a very dinky but totally adorable (from the outside) movie theatre and not much else. It's a huge mall with hardly anything in it! But it's attached to a library so I had no trouble killing a few hours. (Do the library staff know what's in the graphic novel "The Boys" because I can't believe that I found the "Herogasm" edition in the teens section of the library!) On the way back to the car it absolutely poured with rain, bucketed down. We had an umbrella to share but we were both soaking when we got to the car. Luckily I was only wearing flip flops and Garry's new Star wars tshirt was dry from the plastic bag so I changed into that. Garry was wet too but seemed less concerned about it than me (that's a first!). Then I called Cindy and bailed on the hen party that I supposed to go to. Note to self: you'll NEVER have ANY friends if you don't go out with them once in a while! Instead I sat at home and ate naan bread - yummy!

Sting -- July 23 2010

Sting at Molson Amphitheatre

July 23 2010

So I found some cheap seats for Sting and I knew Liz wanted to go so I picked them up. We also picked up seats for Cindy and her husband Ray. I saw Sting last year (I think it was last year) when he came through town with the Police and I really liked it. BUTthis concert with Sting and England’s Royal Philharmonic Orchestra was in my opinion very boring. He sang about 4 songs that were up tempo but the rest were dull and boring.
I'm not sure this show was for me but Liz thought it was okay and after talking with Cindy I think she liked it but yeah it was just not my bag...

I think I will only see Sting if he ever plays with the Police but solo Sting I think I will pass..

1 out 5


I enjoyed this. There were quite a few songs that I didn't know which surprised me but I really enjoyed the ones I did know and I've never seen him live so I was still excited. That said, both Cindy and Garry both said he's much better, more lively with the Police. But as I'll never pay $200 to see anyone in concert I'll guess I'll never find out - oh well!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Polaris 24 July 16-18 2010

Polaris 24 July 16-18 2010

This is usually our first convention of the summer. Liz and me liked to call this the Margaret Smith convention as the main we reason we go to this one and stay there (even though it's only 20 mins from home) is my mom LOVES this convention. I think we would still go but we may not stay the night if left to our own devices.I have to say that I didn't really like the guests this year. The guests were:

Mark Sheppard--Battle Star and Supernatural
Kai Owen--Torchwood
Lindsay Wagner--Bionic Woman
Ethan Phillips--Star Trek: Voyager
and a few others I don't really know

So most of the guest were not the best.

Liz and I saw Lindsay Wagner on stage she did a bit of a talk but we left as she was BORRRING. I honestly could not believe it. The Bionic Women was never my favorite show but it was not boring.

Kai Owen was a great guest. Lots of fun and he really got into the event. He was singing at the Klingon Karaoke (yes same as last year) and his talks on stage where lots of fun. My mom who works photo's was telling me he was lots of fun with everyone getting their picture with him. It's nice when a guy you really don't know turns out to be such a fun guest.

Liz spends all her time going to panels on things like True Blood, Movies in Review, Dr Who, Robert J Sawyer talking Flashforward and whatever else she went to without me.

Truth be told Saturday night I left the convention to go see Rush.

I guess this is a fun convention but I really think it could use something new, I'm not sure what but it just seems to be missing something. We had a good time and we'll be there next year at Margaret's convention


This was better than I remember it being last year. I go to a lot of panels on various topics and I found that there were lots of good discussions which I think were really lacking last year. So that made it worth while for me this year. Also I took an hour when I didn't have anything on and got myself a pedicure in the very busy little nail place in the little mall underneath the hotel. I was lucky they managed to squeeze me in and they did a great job. It was nice to have a quiet hour. With Garry being gone for hours to go see Rush, Margaret and I were left to our own devices. We did pretty well but I couldn't convince her to hang out in the bar with me lol. It was better than I'd anticpated and hopefully that'll continue next year!

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

July 20 2010

It was cheapy Tuesday so Liz and I thought we go see The Sorcerer's Apprentice. I really wanted to see it and Liz was on the fence but decided she was in.

I liked the movie, in fact I REALLY liked the movie.I thought the special effects were great and I really liked Nic Cage, thought he was great. Now this is a family film and you should keep this in mind. It's loosely based on the Mickey Mouse The Sorcerer's Apprentice and there is a mop/broom scene that I loved.

I would say go see this movie but I think if Liz ever post's she will tell you different, but I really liked it and let's be honest thats all that really matters.

3 out 5


It's a kids movie, a good kids movie but I can't recommend it to any adults. I'm assuming Nic Cage plays it for the kids as he's very hammy. And the whole thing is predictable. Garry on the other hand was thoroughly entertained - 'nuff said!


Not sure when we saw it...

Late post

The ball and chain and I went to see Predators a while ago and I wanted to try and see it again but I don't think that's going to happen so I thought I would do a post.

Predators was a good film. I really like the original film but this one was fun and alot of action. I wasn't as blown away as people I read and listen to on their podcasts were hence why I wanted to see it again.

That being said the movie starts fast and just kinda keeps building. I do think Laurence Fishburne was wasted in this movie but Adrien Brody was good and he really must have worked out or something, he was in great shape.

If you like action films go see this movie and I'm going to try and see it again but if not I may buy the blue ray or dvd

3.7 out of 5 ( nearly 4--lol)


This kind of movie isn't for everyone but I really enjoyed it. A good tale with interesting characters and lots of action and tension. It didn't hurt that Adrian Brody so easy on the eye - not something I thought I'd ever say but there it is!

Rush at the ACC Saturday, July 17, 2010 Part 2

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rush Part 2

This was the second time I saw Rush this week and they where just as good as they were last Tuesday. It was pretty much the same show as Tuesday and just as great. It may be hard to believe but it's true. They where so good I would see them again ANYTIME. During a couple of songs the guitar had some issues but Alex got it together and the rest of the show was great.

I think Rush is my second favorite band and my favorite Canadian band.

Geddy Alex and Niel are great - LOVE RUSH!

Cannot wait till they come around again, it won't be soon enough for me.

4.5 out of 5 I did like the Tuesday show a bit better.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Rush Molson Amp, July 13, 2010

Tuesday July 13 2010

Rush last night was the best (non-Kiss) concert I have seen this year. I had such a great time. The band was amazing, the song choices were great and the seat was......okay. The only reason the seats sucked was because they were right in front of corporate seats and the people in the seats have no idea who Rush are. They spent more time taking pictures of them themselves then watching Canada's best band play! At one point I thought Dave was going to lose it lol.

I did have another problem. The girl sitting beside me was HUGE. Now I know I am no skinny mini but she had 100 lbs on me. The worst part was her fat was on my seat! I did feel bad for her so as soon as I could I was up out of seat and playing air guitar. It wasn't that bad but it was weird.

Rush looked like they where having a great time and they play the full Moving Pictures album which was great to hear.

I loved the show

5 out of 5

I liked it so much I am seeing them again Saturday at the ACC and I can't wait!
Best show of the summer, maybe the year.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Despicable Me

July 10 2010

Despicable Me

After getting a call from Liz asking me if I was ever coming home from work,I left work and then decided to take her to see Despicable Me.Now I hate cartoon animated movies I mean I did not even go see Toy Story.But for whatever reason I thought I may like this one...WRONG.I hate all animated movies,hate is a strong word but I can't remember a animated movie I really like.I love Flintstones cartoons but I have not watched them since grade school but I remember loving them.Not sure why I don't like these movie I just don't.

If you ask me 1 out of 5

but don't trust me on this one ask Liz..


Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Sunday July 4 2010

Well I had a rare day off from work and I thought we would go see a movie. That movie turned out to be The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Now if I am being honest I kinda liked the other 2 movies and was looking forward to seeing the third installment. It turns out that some parts were kinda slow and lots of melodrama (all these movies are full of that bullshit) but this movie is worth seeing. I really liked the wolves and thought the fight scenes were fun and done very well.

I am looking forward to the next movie and I know alot of people read the books but I have no idea what happens till I see the next movie - Liz tells me that the next movie maybe 2 parts as it's gotta be too long to fit in one movie. Either way, I really want to see the next movie / movies but don't tell anyone I have a reputation to live up to! My favorite scene was the "tent" scene - I had a few chuckles and I did feel very gay....but who cares. If you like Twilight I'm sure you've already seen this movie but if you are on the fence I say go see it

3.5 out of 5


The less said the better - Garry took me under duress and now I have to be embarrassed because I actually liked it. It was a terrible movie with dubious acting skills and lots of over the top angst but I really did enjoy it. Oh and I'm all about team Jacob!

Scorpions and Cinderella

July 26 2010
Scorpions and Cinderella @ Molson Amphitheatre Toronto, Ontario June 27, 2010

Well Dave and I went to see this concert and it was on the same weekend as all that shit that happened in Toronto with teh G20. Getting into the city was a bit crazy but it still not that bad. (The G20 is another story and to be honest I couldn't care less about that.) Cinderella open the concert and they were good but I thought the singer was kinda losing his voice and he seemed to miss some notes but I guess the 80's were 20 years ago and I should give him a break. They sang all the songs I wanted to hear and it was okay. As far as openers go I thought they fit the bill. Then the Scorpions hit the stage. It was hard for me to believe that this is the first time I saw them live. In fact I am not sure I would even have seen them this time but they're are calling this their last tour so I had to see them. They were very loud and very good. The crowd seemed to be into it even though it was raining cats and dogs, the band was having a great time and it all added up to a good concert. The best songs I thought were:
No One Like You
Wind of Change
Rock You Like a Hurricane

I'm glad I saw them before they retired and oh yeah fuck the G20!

4 OUT OF 5
