Monday, March 29, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

March 28 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine....looks like a movie I should love. The critics all, okay some critics, thought it was good. As for Garry, well I thought it was very disappointing. I love these movies and anyone who knows me knows I love the 80's. I especially love the music which was the best part of this movie. Again so much of the preview and commercials show the best parts and we all know that sucks. I did laugh a few times but not that much and I wanted to. I thought I would come out of this movie and tell Liz I have a new movie for my top 10...but no. The funny thing is I heard people talking after about how funny it was and how they loved it. Could it just be me? In parts I was bored which was weird. The actors for most part were okay but not great and it was just one of those okay movies. I would say a renter maybe?? See even though I didn't like it and that way you can tell me if I was right or wrong.

2 out of 5

I still love the 80's (home sweet home)


The reviews by the critics gave me hope that I wasn't a fool for going to see a movie called Hot Tub Time Machine. It served only to remind me that critics and I rarely agree on what consistutes a good movie. There was nothing here that made it worth my time and lord knows that's a very low bar. I remain relieved that the 80s are over.

Wizard World--Toronto Comic Con

March 27 2009

Liz and I love most of the conventions that come to Toronto and we go to most of them as I really like to support them. This was a new one, Wizard World - Toronto Comic Con. First year for this Con so of course we went. Now we both laugh after we got our badges when the lady told us not to worry the line would move fast. There was maybe 50 people in line and we have been in lines with over 3000 in them and the wait was over 4 hours (San Diego Comic Con) so that made us laugh. The doors open and in we went. We walk passed all these old wrestlers who I loved and Liz was like who are these people lol. Some of the wrestlers were Honky Tonk Man, Kamala, Kevin Nash and about 6 lady wrestlers who I did not know. Then the walk past old TV stars and the most famous one was Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters) but there was a lack of quality stars at this con. We then walked around their artist's alley and all the other booths that weere selling stuff. We got to the end and looked at our watches.....30 mins had passed and we had seen the full convention. WOW! We were supposed to be there for another 8 hours lol. Well clearly that's not going to happen. We decided to go listen to Max Brooks talk about zombies and how to survive a zombie attack. He was good and made me want to read his 2 books World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide which I believe Liz has. After Max we went to another panel about Reality TV. On this panel was a bunch of people from The Amazing Race, So You Think You Can Dance, Big Brother and Survivor and a few more.I t was okay. Johnny Fairplay from Survivor and Jesse the juice head from Big Brother were okay and made it kinda interesting. Next was the panel we wanted to see on the movie KICK ASS. The movie looks great but the panel SUCKED. All it was was a panel that showed all the trailers we saw on line and added nothing new. Big waste of time. After this I made Liz watch some live wrestling with some of the worst wrestlers ever and then we thought it was time to bail.

The Toronto Comic Con needs some work. I would say it was more a wrestling con then a comic con. They also need better guests if they want the big crowd as I think the crowd was a bit of a disappointment. People here in Toronto want the big stars but you can't get the stars to come without the crowds so it's kind of a catch 22. Will we be back YES. We had a good time but I am not sure the convention will be back as I suspect they did not make that much money. The fan expo was crowds so big they had to stop letting people into the building! I may have a hard time getting Liz to go next year but I'm sure if I offer her lunch or cash she will tag along with me.

First convention of 2010 only 4 or 5 more to go this year.


Two hours at this con would have been more than enough. Although in the end we did find more things to keep us occupied than the itinerary suggested. The wrestling was entertaining (in a way that I don't want to be entertained too often), it was kind of like pantomines from when I was kid. And the panel of the reality TV stars was interesting. The part where we had to leave the hall because of a fire alarm wasn't much fun but I did see Ernie Hudson (of Ghost Busters and a million tv shows) being very lovely to a somewhat crazy lady with a Kermit the Frog puppet on her hand. Kudos for being a class act Ernie! So despite my protestations I have no doubt I'll be back again next year.

Henry Rollins

March 26 2010

After working Friday I took the subway and met Liz at her work. (I actually don't mind taking the subway but buses and street cars I am not a fan of those.) So after looking all over the net I found a restaurant near where we were seeing Henry and I talked Liz into it. It was in a great part of Toronto called Liberty Village. Liz or myself have never been to this part of the city but we loved it. Close to downtown and a walk from Liz's work (a long walk but it was not too bad) and a great new part of town. In fact I think if we were looking for a condo we would look seriously at Liberty Village. So the restaurant I found was called Liberty Noodle and it it was excellent. Here is the web site You should check it out. Both Liz and I are watching what we eat so eating out is not something we do a lot of anymore but the portions at this place and the healthy choice make this a great choice for us.I had CHILI AND GINGER BEEF which Liz helped me with and she ordered salted edamame (which I have never had and I loved) and CHICKEN WINGS which where not great. We ate all of this sharing with each other which is the way Liz likes to eat and can be very annoying but I am learning to like it. The meal was great and pretty cheap and a great cool looking restaurant we will be back for sure. Great find by me if I do say so myself.

Then we walk over to the Queen Elizabeth Theatre on the CNE grounds to see Henry Rollins. Henry was the lead singer in Black Flag a very heavy punk band but now he tours around talking about current events and his travels around the world. To be honest we were not sure how good he would be but I always wanted to see him and the tickets where a pretty good price. He was okay. Maybe a bit too political for us and parts were lost on me but other parts where great and very interesting. Was I gald I went? YES. Would I go see him again...probably not. We both Love Kevin Smith and could listen to him talk everyday but Henry maybe a bit too serious to listen to for more then 2 hours. But he was good in parts.

I would say 3 out of 5 Henry and 4 out of 5 food

so a good night


The restaurant was nice. Simple food (which is how Garry likes his meals) in not enormous portions. We'll go back again to enjoy the atmosphere of the area and have edamame. And yes, we will be sharing plates then too. I consider all plates on the table to be available to me, in polite company they're only available for tasting but in less formal situations I'd advise you to eat fast in case I prefer your meal over mine. Don't say you haven't been warned! And as for Henry Rollins. An interesting guy but I wouldn't go back again. He just can't compare to Kevin Smith in terms of entertainment value.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Repo Men

March 20 2010

Repo Men

Saturday afternoon, rainy, so guess what! We went to the movies. Now that I think of it the weather really doesn't affect when we go to the movies but this was a rainy Saturday so the movies is a great choice. Repo Men I have read about for well over a year. In fact I read that it was filmed in 2007 or something like that. The movie is basically about about repo men that come after you if you cannot pay for the part that you bought. The difference is the parts are body parts like hearts, lungs, ears etc and when you fall behind they come and literately cut it out. The chemistry between Jude Law and Forrest Whitaker is terrific and the movie was great. I LOVED it. I also loved that it was film here in Toronto was it was cool seeing buildings and the TTC. There are some violent parts (which I love) but the story I thought was great, right till the end.

There was also another movie called Repo the Genetic Opera which was a musical with the same that movie sucked. In the 80's (how i miss them) there was also a great movie called Repo Man with Emilio Estevez which is a cult classic and great in it's own way but not as good as the current Repo Men.

Go see this movie, could be one of the best movies I have seen this year.

4 out of 5

OMG! Don't listen to him! The boy is delusional. This wasn't the worst movie ever but it did have some scenes that required too much suspension of disbelief or that were just wrong. In the latter category I refer to a scene near the end of the movie that seemed to be a sex/surgical cutting scene. The whole thing was bizarre and creepy and I'm sure was intended to titallate the sub-section of society into that kind of thing. Interesting but failed in a few areas.

It's A Kinda Magic -- Queen tribute Band

March 19 2010

It was a nice Friday night and Liz and I went to see a Queen tribute band called "It's A Kinda Magic". I saw this same band about 3 years ago and really liked them so I thought Liz would get a kick out of seeing them. They're really good. The dude who plays Freddy does a great job and has all the moves down. Liz is a little bitter because she always wanted to see Queen but never had the chance, me on the other band saw them at 2 times and loved both shows. I also saw them after Freddy's death when the band played with Paul Rogers. I'm a big fan.

The show was at Massey Hall which is a great place to see any band. We also had first row balcony seats so that made the show even one in front of you. They played all hits and even some old hidden gems. It was a great show. Fat Bottom Girls, Radio Ga-Ga and Bohemian Rhapsody were the highlights for me but the full show was great. It was great way to hear Queen songs by a band that is close to the original Queen but if you ever saw the Freddy and Queen live you know no one can do a live show like the late Freddy Mercury and Queen could (well Kiss but we all know that already).

A great Friday night out and I think in another 3 years we may go see them again.

4 out 5

This show REALLY made me regret not having seen Queen when Freddy Mercury was alive. They're only a cover band but were so good that it made me think how fabulous the original band must have been. I wouldn't have spent the money on a cover band myself but that would have been my mistake. They were great! A really fun night.

Monday, March 15, 2010

She's Out of Your League & Green Zone

Sunday March 14 2010

Well Liz wanted to see She's Out of Your League and I wanted to Green Zone. So I looked in the paper and saw that they where both playing at Whibty AMC and with the timing we could pay for one movie, $6.00 each, and they sneak into the other so that would make each $3.00 - BARGAIN!

She's Out of Your League was okay. Not great or good but okay. There where a few good lines in it but it seemed that the lines I laughed at no one else in the cinema was laughing at which I found weird. Liz assures me it's because I laugh at the weirdest things...o well. The movie was very predicable which we knew it would be but Liz seemed to like it so I guess it was worth it. I would say wait to watch this at home or even if you miss it you're not missing much. For $3.00 it was okay.

2.5 out of 5

Green Zone looked like it would be my kind of movie. Action guns fights and everything else a man could want. But it really wasn't. They made a common mistake that a lot of action movies make, it was just kind of boring. The story was about the Iraq war and the army looking for weapons of mass destruction which we all now know were not there. The one guy played by Matt Damon begins to see that the army is looking for something that isn't there and begins to wonder why. I think maybe the reason I did not like this movie is that in the chase scenes it was hard to figure out who was who and then after a while I just didn't care. I just wanted it to end. I was very disappointed in this movie.

The ads on tv are comparing it to the Bourne movies - not even close, DO NOT FALL for that bull.
I would say 2 out of 5 skip this movie.

I had more excitement when I was sneaking from one cinema to the other without get caught. Liz is always cool I keep waiting for the usher to come in an escort us out but not yet..fingers crossed.


So the best thing about this whole movie excursion was Garry sweating like a 12 year old who's about to be busted for stealing a candy bar. He was sooo nervous it was hysterical. Every time he saw an usher he went all tense and waited for them to point an accusing finger at us. It was very cute and very funny. Can't believe this is the same guy who was totally calm while trying to get us into a musical using some tickets that we found in the street!

Green Zone - dreadfully boring.
She Out of Your League - cute and not badly done. Not changing the genre but not crucifying it either.


Saturday March 13 2010

After a great weekend last weekend this weekend was going to be rainy and windy. O well, the winter this year has been great so I guess we shouldn't complain. It was a shit day so Liz and I thought we would go see a movie we've wanted to see for a few weeks.....Defendor. I know almost everyone reading this will not have heard of this movie but Liz and I read about it on-line and we thought it looked like our kind of movie. Woody Harrelson of Cheers and Zombieland fame is the star and it was shot in Hamilton. The story is about a guy who is a little slow and thinks he's a superhero whom he invents and names Defendor. The movie was pretty good and the story was interesting but it did look and feel like a B movie but it was fun. Woody Harrelson was really good and the movie was good. I am always a sucker for superhero type movies so I kinda liked this movie. I will say I think it will be on the movie channel fast as they are part of the people who put up money to make the movie. So if you want to watch it, I'd guess that you can see it it soon on TV.

I did like it and out of all the movies we saw this weekend it was the best

so DEFENDOR gets 3.5 out of 5


I really liked this. It's about one guy thinking he can protect and defend his fellow citizens and his city. That belief means he's perceived as crazy by the justice system and some individuals but others see in him the hero that we all want to believe in. He's regarded as mentally handicapped because he has a much simpler approach to life than most, he lives and dies based on what he believes is right. It was interesting and entertaining, wasn't preachy and although imperfect I'd recommend it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Crazies

Sunday March 7 2010

Now I know this hard to believe but Liz and I are actually behind in our movie going! This movie The Crazies was out last week but we never got around to seeing it. So we were pleased to have time today to fit it in. Now this movie is being sold as a horror movie but it really isn't. It's more a survival movie. The entire town, well almost the entire town goes CRAZY and the army gets called in to deal with them. A few people are not crazy and try to escape. This is their story (wow that sounds like the Law and Order opening--lol). The movie has some great scenes in it and all the actors do a good job. I really got into it and thought the ride was fun. It was great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

If you like these kind of movies, and Liz and I do, then this is a good film.

3 out of 5


Saturday Afternoon

Saturday March 6 2010

After watching the worst Imax 3D movie I have ever seen Liz and I decided to go for a walk around the city. We love to walk around and go into the shops and look at everyone coming and going. We walked around Queen Street hitting all the favorite stores (ok I only have one favorite store The Silver Snail). We then hit China Town and watched at all the people buying their supplies and what not and we looked for a place to have lunch. Now in case you don't know me, I can be a bit frugal, Liz calls it down right cheap....I think I just love a bargain. We eventually found a place I liked, the sign read $4.00 BBQ pork with rice. I couldn't believe it! $4.00, wow! But Liz was not convinced. So we walked on and on. Finally she knew I would not let up and she said ok lets try the $4.00 place. We circled back and went in. Now this place really needs restaurant make over. The inside was really not much to talk about. On the walls written on card in markers are the specials. Not just one wall but all the walls. I admit at this point I was thinking maybe my cheap ways were not going to work this time. We decided to be brave and ordered anyway. As the waiter ran away with our order we saw that the restaurant had become very full and even had people waiting for tables! In fact it was so full we ended up sharing our table with a nice older Asian couple. The food came. BBQ pork and rice for me and bok choi in garlic sauce for Liz and we shared a corn soup. The food was excellent. Soooo good. I ate all the soup after telling Liz it was not very good so I wouldn't have to share it. What a find! Good food and great price. We will be back. Now I would tell you the name but I have no idea what it was lol but I know where it is and we will be back. Way better then any Chinese food we have ever had, not as good as our thai place but maybe second. We will be back.

After dinner more walking around Toronto then Subway home. A great day.


It was a gorgeous day for walking around. Lovely and sunny for the first weekend in ages. One of those days were you really want a chance to enjoy being outside. And we did!

I have to laugh at Garry's raving about the restaurant. I think his cheap side is really showing through here lol. Sometimes I'm nervous about cheap as it's often an indication of a badly prepared, nasty excuse to dump crap on your plate and charge you for it. But in this case the bok choi was fresh and cooked to perfection, the soup was fine and the pork was tasty and crispy (ie not the crappy fatty cuts). So the meal was fine but quite basic (to be fair this is how Garry mostly likes his food), combine that with a low price point and the boy thought he'd died and gone to heaven. We were certainly full when we left and the bill came to $20 - so you can't fault that. And I'd go back even without Garry so they must have done something right!

Alice In Wonderland

Saturday March 6 2010

Well after last night we thought we would catch a movie and Alice and Wonderland was it. Liz and I decided to go see it in IMAX 3-D. Even though it kills me to pay $17.50 a ticket we do like the IMAX 3D. But in this case it was really not worth it. (Sorry Shaunisty, I heard you loved it which makes me wonder if we really are related but that's another story lol.) This movie SUCKED. I have to say I never thought it would be any good and guess what, I was right. I think the worst part of the movie was that I was just bored to tears and thought someone should just kill the rabbit and then the story would be different but no, that never happened and this was just one big waste of time. Johnny Depp was a waste and what the fuck was that dance he did at the end. I did realize at the dance part that maybe this movie was not for me but for some of the fan-girls (and maybe boys) who where laughing and giggling like it was the funniest thing in the world - sorry did not get it. I think maybe Tim Burton is not my kind of director. I mean, I liked Edward Scissors-hands and even kinda liked his take on Batman but this was painful for me. I wish I liked it more but I just did not. In fact I liked the Wolfman better and if you read that short review you know what I thought about that! Funny thing is Alice made huge movie at the box office so I think maybe I just don't get Tim Burton anymore. Maybe I'm too old? But how can that be? I still read superman comics and drag Liz all over the world to sci-fi conventions. I think this movie just sucked.

stay away..

1 out of 5 (only because I like the fat boys in film)


I made Garry go to this as I was looking forward to it. It cost us $35 for the Imax 3D seats! In the end it was a very pretty movie but boy was it ever boring! The story didn't interest me and I didn't care a hoot for any of the characters.
0/5 (for being so expensive and failing to deliver so badly)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blue Rodeo

Friday March 5 2010

So Blue Rodeo in Oshawa sounded like a good idea, right small town just outside of Toronto, should be fun, right? WRONG. The band was good but the drunk assholes in Oshawa where just too much. It started when the band first got on stage, this drunk soccer mom and her posse slither into their seats and start to talk and talk and talk, loud enough that I can not only hear this witch talking but can barely hear the band! So I assume she will soon stop talking but noooo. So I can't take it anymore and I shhh her. This works for about half a song and then she starts the yapping again. So Liz now knows I'm about to snap, I let her go for another 4 songs and then I ask her to please stop, in fact I say "just give me one song, please god just one song....please". So in line with my request she gives me one song and starts again. I honestly can not believe it! Can this drunk bitch just shut the fuck up! This is what happens when a drunk soccer mom only gets out once a year. What an ass-clown! Just as I am about to snap I hear Jim Cuddy (from Blue Rodeo) say "why don't you guys come down front and dance". Well I can't dance but I thought this would be a great time to hear the band and not some drunk bitch tell me about how drunk she is, who cuts her fucking hair and all of her cat's health issues. Just as we were getting into the band another drunk asshole yells "stop playing this shit and play some old school" loud enough that most of the arena hears him. The band plays on. Then in the next break between songs same fucking yahoo screams the same thing. I cannot believe it. The fucking town of Oshawa is not the town to see Blue Rodeo....unless they stop serving booze. As far as the crowd goes a complete waste of space and way to much booze. All the stereotypes of Oshawa where 100% true this night..FUCK OSHAWA (well unless kiss play there again).

Now the concert....BLUE RODEO, I really liked them. They did sing a lot of songs off the new album but I like it and it was good to see them live. They also played most of the hits and sounded great. We also had pretty good seats about 13 rows from the stage so that helps. Jim Cuddy and Greg Keelor are great to watch but I think there should have been more Greg songs but they did Diamond Mine which was excellent. all in all a pretty good show but the fuckwad crowd was a total waste of space. Love the band but FUCK Oshawa...

the band 3.5 out 5



Cannot begin to tell you how long this evening was. I didn't know Tragically Hip when I first saw them play but I had a great night. By the end of my first Blue Rodeo concert I decided that not knowing anything about this particular band is not something I need to correct. Bored to tears and surrounded by more drunk people in one space than I've seen since my university days. The yelling exchanged between one of the security guards and a guy in front of me that amounted to did you just push my girlfriend asshole was yet another reminder of those days. Oshawa may be a lovely place but I will never know that as I will never return. And if I never hear a single Blue Rodeo tune again then that would just perfect.


Monday, March 1, 2010


February idea

Liz and I went to the movie Wolfman.Shortest review ever SUCKED

1 Out of 5

biggest waste of time ever..well maybe not ever but VERY Very DISAPPOINTING..


This is why Cop Out wasn't so bad! Because sometimes I sit through crap like Wolfman.

Cop Out

Saturday February 27,2010

Cop Out

First thing is Cop Out is a Kevin Smith film so it's already great in my book. I think most people know that I love Kevin Smith and will go see anything that he put his name on. Even so I still thought that this movie was actually pretty good. It was a lot of fun. Tracy Morgan was very funny and Bruce Willis was kinda cool (as always). Not that this film will win any awards but as far as good popcorn flicks go it was great. If you like fun get a large popcorn and park the mind and go see it. If you want an academy awarding film...maybe stay home.

I laughed a lot and that was all I could ask for with this movie

3.5 out of 5

Kevin Smith rocks...o in case you didn't hear Canada won gold in hockey and I am still on cloud nine!


Well I'm not quite as excited about either the hockey or this movie lol. I had very low expectations of the movie but, much to my surprise, I didn't find myself hating it. Not to say it isn't silly or weak in certain areas but I've certainly been in more terrible-movie-induced-pain than when I watched this. So I'll give it a thumbs up for Kevin's sake.