Monday, November 30, 2009

Ninja Assassin

Wednesday November 25 2009

Liz wanted to see Ninja Assassin before she let for Florida so this was the only day we had that we could fit it in. Wednesday night at the movies are usually kinda slow but this place was busy. I think it's because it was the opening day for this film. A Wednesday opening because oF the US Thanksgiving.

With the name Ninja Assassin you would think I would love it, well I didn't. I found the movie kind of dull and way too fake. Now I know I usually like that but in my Ninja movies I like a bit of realism. The fight scenes seemed fake - fake fight scenes are ok in 300 but they should have been better in this movie. I have to say that this movie did not do a thing for me. As I write this I cannot even remember one good scene. Now that's bad.

Now her is the weird part LIZ really likes this movie..WTF..I know! So I am now thinking did I have a bad day and just took it out on the poor movie or did it really suck. I'm thinking maybe of seeing it again or at the very least watching it again on DVD and see if I still hate it.
But for now...1.5 out of 5


I liked this movie. In a B movie kind of way but I did still like it. The fight scenes were very stylized, as was the blood. And you could drive a truck through the holes in the plot but I still enjoyed it. No excuse really - this is a terrible movie but it's my kind of terrible apparently. Silly to the point of being ridiculous, takes itself way too seriously at points, intentionally funny once or twice and just funny the rest of the time. And the main actor Rain - divine! Ahhh, now I see why I enjoyed myself so much and Garry so bored to tears lol.


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